Oh yeah, the Knights of the Temple of Solomon are back in power and wooing "their lady" (me), as only a demented evil lot of occultists can--by drugging me so bad that I go into semi-psychosis and sleep all day. This is a very depressing post for me, but my only outlet is to verbalize my experience and truth.
As I mentioned in the previous posts, the Plejarans-Sirians who are the frontrunners for the Machine have been downloading into my mind at night during my sleep. I recognize their crude attempt at the most subliminal attempts at mind control, just as I always have, and so have ignored it, but I worried that others might not be aware of what is the source of all my nighttime verbal ramblings--don't get excited dearhearts, it is just Lucifer. After reading a post thread of a number of people who can't get to sleep, I suspect that, just as happened during the Obama primary campaign, there is massive (as in, beamed to "the masses") downloading of subliminal mind control happening during sleep (that was a huge part of the illusion cast over the American voter psyche--the rest was done by a compliant, uncritical media). How is such subliminal mind control during sleep on a large scale possible? Technology. The cabal (in this case the Borg/Machine/Sirians/Templars, Faction 2), used the ISS as their platform on which to beam the mind technology into millions of unsuspecting minds (targeted no doubt by voting demographic). I think that the good guys have wrested back control of the ISS (for now, but the bad guys never cease), but there is still platform technology out there for the cabal to use, and I am especially concerned about the launch of a military satellite on May 7th. The US Air Force Space Command is up to its eyeballs in co-opted officers plugged into the cabal, and Cape Canaveral is run by them. I could be wrong. There are definitely alien spaceships headed this way, and their agenda is not benign, and the evil aliens are making it clear they can present into our space-time fabric any time they want, such as they did last week in Russia. No matter, the platform, it is out there in space somewhere, beaming mind control bullshit into the minds of (my guess), millions (they can target a city and send the same imagery into the unconscious of all the multitude, sleeping on the same frequency...)
Of even greater concern is what is happening here, in the conscious world on Earth. You see, the Knights Templar, in their posts with rogue intelligence, both British and American, were outed as the brain geniuses behind Al-Qaida. Now, these men (and they are all men--no girls allowed, but like all solo/celibate patriarchs, they are desperate to find a mental mastubatory outlet for their need of the feminine--which is why I am drugged miserable, and constantly harassed and coerced to be someone they want, which is not who I am) are among the brightest in the world, but the source of their genius is not in their degrees, but in an occultic connection to the Machine, which is the supercomputer that is manipulating our reality. Anyway, Al-Qaida literally means database, and the true power behind the terrorist threat of Al-Qaida was the computer codes which are used to manipulate our reality--elementals like the stock market, our missiles, our large institutional computers (banks, nuclear and conventional power plants...you name it) nand most effectively airplanes. Al-Qaida literally got large corporations to rig airplanes that could be overridden and sabatoged by computer codes, and they were part of that Al-Qaida database. Thus, the entire world is terrorized, because any large commercial airliner can be brought down anytime Faction 2/Sirians/Templars wanted to flex their muscle to get their way. The biggest terrorist act in which Al-Qaida acted was of course 9/11, but another more recent action was the downing of Air France 440.
The reason behind the terrorism was to coerce reluctant European governments (Sarkozy?) into getting in line behind the Sirian/Faction 2 NWO agenda as figureheaded by Obama. The evidence in this case was stagnant for years until early April when the divers began their search anew for the crash box. The good guys finally found it, and on Easter weekend, they were able to trace back the IP address that took control of the airplane, and eventually caused it to crash. That IP address clearly identified the duplicitous role of the Knights Templar/Faction 2 as the men behind the Al-Qaida database (something I suspected for years, patiently gathering data behind the scenes). This retrieval and analysis of the recovery box would not have been possible without the help of the Plejaran-Sirians, who were their one time allies. Why the aliens chose to abandon them in April I do not know. I do know that this information was the key in attacking the Bin Laden compound. Now in the Bin Laden compound was the man posing as Bin Laden (I tend to believe that it was a brother, only because what egghead intelligence analyst would know about the relatively rare practice of levirate marriage--that is a stretch--but Bin Laden, being a fundamentalist, would fit the profile of a practicioner). Anyway, this theory is proposed by Sorcha Faal, and you can read it on the website. It is not an important piece of information, but more importantly, is that somehow the mission went awry. I do not know if the SEALS expected to find a rogue cabal command center with multiple computers and data, or if the residents were tipped off, who were then able to bring down a state of the art helicopter. However there is no doubt that the compound was tipped off--BY OUR OWN TRAITOROUS PUPPET PRESIDENT. The Patriot Leadership Team attempts to box in Obama, to limit the damage that he can do, but the man is absolutely resolute and determined to destroy this country and fulfill his brutally narcissistic and juvenile fantasies of being a powerful leader, and he constantly undermines the PLT's just and humane treatment of him (how long can they tolerate this before they exercise the supreme AND RIGHTEOUS judgment for EGREGIOUS TREASON, AND CONSPIRACY TO MURDER AMERICAN CITIZENS, AND CAUSE HUGE DAMAGE TO PROPERTY?).
This general Wilson is another Templar co-conspirator. He was stationed at NORAD during 9/11 (when NORAD ordered the AF jets to stand down), has a long history of being in "Space Commmand" and is currently the commanding officer in Florida at an AFB where a lot of cabal missiles are released to space. This general is a no-good traitor, whose heart and allegiance is not to this country, but to the Machine, and Obama snitched off the mission to him, via the note, before it took place....
I myself, tend to take the liberal "due process" view, but my God, the Templars (Al-Qaida) are resurgent again, and once more Obama is at their head.
So what caused this most recent change--evident on Tuesday when once again, I see an unabashed grinning puppet of a president, and the Knights Templar are back at work in my neighborhood? My best guess is that the economic summit with China did not go well. I remember that a few months ago, I dreamed of being sold out for a yuan. That time I thought the Jesuits were the ones responsible for using me as a bargaining chip. This time, I think it was the Knights Templar. Now I am guessing, but I can tell that the talks did not go well for the US. Thanks to the Bush 43 Administration, this country is in severe, dire straits, and China holds the power to bankrupt us (I give kudos to Bush for indirectly resisting the cabal as best he could, but I wish he had shown the same balls that he does in standing up to his father, by standing up to his wealthy base...). I don't expect that Clinton and Geitner have that much to bargain or offer the Chinese. I don't think they sold me out. I think that the Chinese insisted on empowering the Knights Templar/Faction 2/Obama, in order to complete any deal, and it is the Knights Templar who insist on owning me.
Now, why would China do this? Well, first of all, make no mistake. The Knights Templar are supremely wealthy, and have been covertly stealing and stashing gold and treasure since the 13th century, when they ravaged the hidden sanctuary of the destroyed Jewish temple. In order to complete their hidden project, they enlisted the help of a respected and popular abbot, Bernard of Clairveaux (who, surprise, surprise, is also responsible for the spread of the cult of the Virgin Mary--in this cult, she is Ishtar in disguise), to exploit peasant piety to crusade on to the Holy Land. The bloodthirsty, indiscriminate killing that accompanied the retaking of the Holy Land is one of the worst of sins of the Christian Church (the other being the Inquisition), and it was all REALLY inspired by avarice for both money and occultic power. Christians have gotten a little more hip to those mind control tactics, so 20th and 21st century Sirians-Templars exploit the piety, and raise the rabid zeal of ignorant Muslim youth, instead of Christians...
But there is more than money and gold to Chinese calculations. We literally are engaged in hostilities that border on war, but they are smart enough not to engage in direct military assault, though they are prepared to do so at any opportune time (back in October?, when the Templars nearly started WWIII by shooting a missile from a ship in San Diego, they were ready). You see, China has globalist empire aspirations, and they are chomping at the bit to exercise them (and world, if you think America is a harsh imperial power, I invite you to read their human rights record of their own country, and how they treat their subjugated vassals, such as Tibet). This is twice now (the other time was at the Hu visit), that China has made a power move to put Obama/Faction 2 back in the power seat. It actually is very smart politics. Anybody knows the easiest way to fight an enemy is when they are leaderless. China will NEVER deal in good faith with Clinton?Geitner, because China knows they are true and strong leaders. No, they will prop up the treasonous weak leader, Obama, who can be counted on to work towards the destruction of his own country for paltry chump change (can I rig the Super Bowl games, or have a big Black man take a cheap shot on a White man in a playoff game. Goody goody...it is so great to be president). This is all part of a covert strategy to bring about the downfall of our nation.
Furthermore, they want not only the gold that the Templars (and by the way, watch the Mormons--they are a faction of the Sirian-Templar alliance, and have their own stash of stolen gold in Utah--a Mormon candidate would be China's second choice), but they also want the same WWIII that the Templars want. Why? Because they plan to make huge, aggrandizing gains in India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, and parts of Russia on their march to a showdown in Israel. This is the exact same plan that the Templars have been working on since the 1930's--retake Jerusalem by fomenting world war--that is what is behind all the current unrest and conflict in the Middle East. The Templars/Faction 2 brings the West to war, and finally the mighty Chinese military gets to juggernaut across Asia, Eurasia, and the Middle East. One word of warning to all the Middle East countries who would ally themselves with China--this nation is atheist, truly atheist, and they have no respect for any religion whatsoever. No indeed,--these two partners are not only allies, but enemies of humanity everywhere. And me, I am being sold for a yuan again--this time the Templars are buying, and all I can do is suffer and vent.
Let me add one final cautionary note: In the past couple of days, I have become very worried about Syria--not their upheavals, but my fear that that nation is housing Sirian ships underground. Assad is plugged into the Machine--he is at their beck and call. The Machine has always claimed Damascus as home, as witnessed by the Essene writings--whether they meant Damascus Syria, or whether it was a code name, I am not certain...Prophecy from Isaiah says that Armageddon will be preceeded by the total destruction of Damascus, which has never happened in history (the Sirians always protected their Terran base). I fear a possible false flag nuclear blast to destroy the city to start WWIII, or an invasion from Syria against Israel. Assad was a rational man, but he no longer a man, he is a Drone in the service of the Machine, and he will do their bidding. Watch Syria.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
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