Sunday, April 16, 2006


Severe headache all day after being poisoned again while driving my truck.  I could hardly move at yoga, my knees are stiff and pained, but its the headaches and prresure behind my eyes that are the worst.  I know for a fact that it is their stupid ass drugs causing my pain.  I don't think they give a damn about me going blind.  Stupid, heretical christians---they will all think about what a great offering it is for God.  One day I will be free of those bastards, and I will do everything in my power to unveil the corruption, powermongering, and emotional/psychological dysfunction that is in institutional Christianity.  Actually, I won't have to do much.  Looking at their current Pope, I can see the hand of Satan on him, energizing him, as he does the evil one's work (interesting prayer last night with God about the evil inherent in the SLI, but too sick to go into it).  It won't be much longer.  All I have to do is survive.  Admittedly, surviving is all I can do.  My house is filthy, but I am too sick to clean.  Have to try though.

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