Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Mega-suffering while yet another round of psychotropic drugging begins.  Unable to walk, think or read.  All I can do is lay in bed.  Hurts to even keep the eyes open.   know from my dreams that this new round is courtesy of the pope who Bush is hosting at the white house now.  Payback time.  I also know who is fighting for me--and no, she most definitely is not a catholic.  I try to keep her vision in my head, while I lay in bed in agony with headaches and suffering.  I can't keep going much longer but there is no way that I will ever coolperate in any form or fashion with the sick perveted evil that resides in the Catholic hierarchy and Opus Dei and who ultimately r responsible for my suffering.  I hurt too much.  Time to go toi bed, and wake up to another hell day tomorrow.  God help me endure. 

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