Thursday, May 15, 2008

So bloated that I am in severe abdominal pain

So bloated that I am in severe abdominal pain--the goddamned assholes have messed with my thyroid medication for about the last 1-2 weeks, causing weight gain, digestive discomfort (I can't digest my food--even tho I am eating just a lil at a time), and sincreasing severe bloating.  So now, I am suffering from the pain caused by all the intestinal bloat on my little extraneous abdominal organ. 

It doesn't matter.  All I can do is lay in bed anyway, I am so fucked up on psychotropic drugs.  I couldn't feven go to yoga, and now I am dealing with a severe headache, and messed up alienation from realtiy.  This after a couple of days when all I was on was speed, and was able to function at about 80%, now I am getting to the point that i cannot function at all.  I may have to call in sick tomorrow.  I just tried to web surf, and I could NOT understand ONE thing I read.  That will make it hard to keep a passing grade at work.  I don't care anymore.  I am so miserable and suffering every damned minute of every damned day I don't care.  I am about to tell off that stupid Opus Dei prick who has been assigned to spy on me.  I do my best to live out in Christian charity and ignore him, but I can read his brainwashed, fundamentalist mind from two rows away, and I am about to go off.  But the way things are now, I may be too sick to go to work at all, and even if I do, I may be too dysfunctional to retain a qualifying standard.  To bed. 

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