Sunday, January 13, 2008

Once again, under assault

Once again, under assault, after a couple of days when, thanks to a psychic (no, the people I looked to for support--the Christians didn't come through, nor the stupid ass, evil psychs), I started being treated with thyroid meds.  But it was just an interlude for major psychotropic drugs that once more have left me unable to walk, body heavy, and unable to think or feel.  I was so jazzed that I could read again, I went and got a bunch of books, but starting last nite, I noticed I could no longer read.  Now, I am so fucked up, I can't even read Web articles or email.  And I am supposed to have a job interview tomorrow!  Unlike the stupid morons who keep force feeding me psychotropic drugs, they can recognize what is going on, not to mention there is no way that I can pass a 3 week training in this condition, or work a 10 hour day.  I am so fucked, and so full of rage...I dare you, Martin, to show your stupid weasel face in Dr. Huaman's office, but you got a fix for that too--you will just zone me totally out with an increased dosage, you contemptible son of a bitch.  I hope you burn in hell, and guess what, it will be easy to pray that you never leave there.  Now, I have to go lay down, wasting in the horrible hell that you have put me in, you stupid motherfuckers.

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