Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ive gained three pounds in three days

Ive gained three pounds in three days, now at 202, up from 199 on saturday.  It is lithium that causes me to have out of control weight.  All i know is that i am sick as a fucking dog, fantasizing bout slitting my writsts to get free of these goddamned pricks who have turned my body into bloated whale, and my brain into a drug mushed hell.  I am supposed to get a new license soon, and I am so humiliated at the thought of my pix being taken when I am a drug bloated cow with drug glittered alien eyes.  Of course i might not be able to pass my eye test because the sight in my right eye is so poor due to all the goddamned fluid in my brain. Who cares about my eyesight?  Who cares about my weight?  My health?  LOL--the goddamned opus dei and their govt psychs living in their little fantasy world sure dont.  Solzhentisen (too sick to look u the spelling) died, and I wish I were dead rather than inhabiting this drugged, hell-tormented body. Too sick to do anythin.  CAn't even lift my feet up to walk.  Miserable with headaches and whatever the fuck these goddamned assholes have done to me.  god, get me out of here.  i cant stand it anymore.  it is hell to be conscious, and i just want to be unconscious, forever. let me join ssolsentsin.

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