Friday, August 13, 2010


August 13th—I just finished pulling an all-nighter. After realizing that I have been sexually abused, castrated, prepped for rape, and possibly even raped, by 4th Dimension reptilians, I have decided to try to fight the abductions by staying awake at night and sleeping during the day. Sure, this will impact my quality of life, but honestly, how could the quality of my life get any more poor? There is a perfect little circle on the flesh right above and to the inside of my knee—exactly where an implement would be used to force my knees apart in order for genital abuse to take place. I have just decided that I have to fight the Borg. I have a bad feeling that they have pulled off a major victory somewhere, but I can’t investigate it without internet access. Besides, I have to fight for my life and my body. I’ve got a lot going on. I am nowhere near physical health, and I am still drugged on something (or maybe the viral implants are so amped) that really messes with my body. Every time the viral download hits, I go into my familiar muscle spasm-lock. I also need to poop every time it happens. I have a feeling that my body has learned that it needs to excrete heavy metals through pooping, and so I think that is healthy, but who wants a half dozen bowel movements a day? Worse of all, at least as far as sleeping is concerned, are the brain rushes which jolt my entire body like an electrical shock every three minutes or so. The only way to stop it is to dampen my central nervous system with the only effective drug available to me—alcohol. That is not healthy, so congratulations, PIB’s—in a way, your stupidass abuse of me helped me to decide to follow through on an unpleasant decision.
Speaking of unpleasant, I saw a PIB at the gym. A real honest to Satan PIB, all dressed in black. I can spot them a mile away. Only one of the dozen or so I’ve seen seemed to me to be decent human being. This PIB was no exception. He had the most icky, sociopathatic vibe, accompanied by a mean face and cold smile, that I have experienced in quite a while. It is incredible to me that the American taxpayer pays for these fifth column sociopaths to run amok, destroying life, liberty, and our very country, itself. I suppose the PIB’s and their satanic supervisors were intent on sending a message to me, now that I’m bucking the reptilian abductions. “You belong to us. We control you, and we can terrorize you at will.” YES YOU CAN. But I am going to fight at every turn, and with every weapon available to me.
It was not a good day. I experienced a lot of sadness (that is why I wonder about what happened), and the PIB’s threw a major chemical whammy on my brain when I went to talk to Dale. I knew what I wanted to say, but I found I had difficulty saying it. Oh well, just an excuse for more writing, but for now, I am going to try to sleep.

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