Thursday, June 19, 2008

Limping from nerve pain

Limping from nerve pain that has me in constant agony.  I know now that the nerve pain is caused by inflamed muscles in my thigh (now that summer weather is here, I can place my hands on both thighs and recognize the difference, and feel the intense heat emanating from the left thigh. Even more importantly, I can feel the constant, burning, ripping pain of inflamed nerve ganglia.  According to a reading of torture convention rules, physical torture consists of

 Severe physical pain described as anything causing permanent damage to major organs or body parts.

I have no qualms claiming torture.  I have suffered both permanent brain and body damage, and being in constant physical pain is truly miserable.  For the goddamned speed continues.  Psychotropic drugs that cause headaches, nausea, , and a total inability to function in any but the most cursory of ways continue.  I was too sick last night to even watch TV.  I slept until 10:30 this morning, awakened by a phone call.  So much suffering.  So much just trying to hang on.  Hang on for what?  I don't know or even care anymore.  Help me God/ 

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