Saturday, June 20, 2009

Sick and miserable with drugs again

Sick and miserable with drugs again. I always know when I am on heavy psychotropics--I just have no energy to do anything at all. I also can tell because my senses just shut down--specifically it hurts to open eyes. Even though I have recovered from the earlier part of the week when I was totally non-functional, I still am not the nearly human being that I was last week. I don't know what the fuck the torturers are doing to me now. I just know that I can't drag myself to do anything--and I had hoped to go to a yoga workshop today. But I am too goddamned sick. My head hurts from all the goddamned implants, my eyes dont want to open. I just want to lay down with sheet around my head...Oh I should say, this is right in line with the objectives of the torturers--being miserable and suffering is an essential part of being controlled. I let it all out what I think of them and the luciferian lords they serve. Why don't these bastards just kill me? I got a theory about that but am too sick to go into it.

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