Sunday, December 13, 2009

Fucking christo-fascist pigs at it again

Fucking christo-fascist pigs at it again--woke up so fucking drugged i can barely walk or keep eyes open--cant stand stimuli--overwhelms. this is after a ite in which the goddamned wanna be christian motherfuckers overloaded my brain and body with their goddameed shit and left me moaning in agony. back is completely trashed right now. hurts to sit, to lift a tea kettle, to type. yesterday when the shit hit fann tried to do shaking, and felt better, but no sooner than i clear out energy channels than motherfuckers download shit. cant function like this. though i had to do mystery shoip and was going to cancel. cant drive, cant keep eyes open, cant function with this shit. fortunately dont have to do it. just have to survive in the kind of back pain and psychotropic drug hell i am in now. people dont realize how low my will to live in this fucked up never ending christo fascist hell is. all i want to to be free of these fuckers. to have a partner to love me and take care of me when im in such fucked up pain i am agoing out of my mid (and no you sorry sick sons of bitches , i dont mean the stupid ass goddamned fools you set to stalk on me--Iam LESBIAN. Get it. hell no.. you dont even get im a human being to you. im a labv rat for you to push buttons and drugs in. this is going to be a hell day. i cant keep going like this. Thak you God, at least i dont have to worry about mystery shop.

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