Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mind totally fried

Mind totally fried on psychotropics--dont know what, lithium or resperidol. All I know is i am completely unable to think, read, concentrate, or understand what is spoken to me. helped landlady with a neighbors stuck door and she read me a letter. shemight as well as read chinese. coulnt folow, couldnt understand a word said. Yesterday the mind was able to think but i couldnt handle the intensity of it. i desperately need someonme to talk to re my ideas, someone to intimately share my life and bounce off ideas. Yesterday i felt human and realized ihow lonely and incomplete and unrealized i am as a single. today i dont give a fuck. today there is nothing to share,, my mind is totally dead. i cant even string together my dream from last nite. i remember the images and they are all there but my brain is so fried i cant connect them all into one everything fragmented disconnected. good news there will be no reading or thinking intensity to day. just watch football. could barely even cook the pot of beans and cornebread i had planned. very svery sick, too sick to do anything. dont care. just worry about my fucking weight..

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