Saturday, July 4, 2009

After a brief respite, drugging begins again

After a brief respite, drugging begins again. Had to drive to store to buy tampons and got incredibly sick from motion sickness as I watched all the images i pass look like they were moving at me. Migraines and sick headachnes with neausea again. cant take fiornal. am hoarding it. think on a different drug but not sure. body wants to vibratre try to get rid of heavy head but too sick to do anything but lay down. so sick of this shit. i want to be a human being again, with a life. im sick of this constant shit. i evny sarah palin. i wish i could say to ptb i dont want to play the game anymore. take your furcking goddamned implants and your psychotropic drugs out of my goddamned system and let me just be a human being again. too sick . to care.

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