Sunday, July 26, 2009

Some success with getting back a modicum of vitality

Some success with getting back a modicum of vitality--I have to force myself to do an hour of personal dahn yoga. I don't know where I would be without it, but the more I struggle to keep my body going, the more the goddamned aliens download their SHIT into my brain and body, so I am in a no-win situation. I can tell how much SHIT is in my system just by looking in the mirror and seeing the bizarre not only unhuman, but anti-human eyes staring back at me. Thank God I am a strong person for there is nothing that causes more repulsive self-loathing than seeing that badge of slavery that separates me from my own humanity and God. I see Oprah Winfrey is the latest dumbass to jump on the alien bandwagon (but I guess I should have suspected that years ago with all her pursuit of "cheap grace that she has demonstrated over the years. Also I remember her statements about Obama--"every word he says is dipped in unvarnished truth." Any person of authentic spirituality would have recognized what was really going on. I read, that for the first time, her ratings are going down. People don't realize how truly "alienating" and offputting those goddamned alien implants and eyes are. Nothing spiritual about it and certainly nothing to be proud of, much less display on a magazine cover.
There's good news tho'. More and more, I see authentic and true people fighting for America, freedom, and the human race. The list of people I pray for regularly keeps growing--just added a new name today (it's better not to say it--true freedom fighters have enough negativity and hostility from the forces of EVIL to deflect without me drawing any further attention to them...Time to force myself for another hour--looking at grossly swollen legs and ankles with stretch marks running up and down my calves and on top of my ankles.

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