Friday, July 3, 2009

I spent all day in bed

I spent all day in bed drugged with some weird psychotropic that made it impossible to get up. Had a hellacious migraine for the first half of the day, which followed a night of absojute misery and pain of migraines and nausea. Since then tho, I have mostly just been too drugged to do anything but lay in bed and sleep. Spent about on e hour trying to watch a very familiar star wars movie, but too sick to follow the dialogue--same old psychotropics of being unable to wath moving images on tv. Its a pretty bad day when one is so sick the cant even watch tv. whatever they gave me, also gave me a period for the first time in a year. so it must have done somehting hormonal. im hoping im well tomorrow, because I dont have any more tampons and im too sick to go to the store. Time to go back to bed and sleep, too sick to read anything on the Net. My brain is so clear relatively and uncongested that whatever drugs i am being given are potent and immediate, as in the old good days before these fuckers fried my brain with their drugs and implants.

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