Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Yes, definitely wish I were unconscious in this hell

Yes, definitely wish I were unconscious in this hell that is my life. beatrix kiddoo you wuss. Night of unimaginable pain and suffering as i couldnt even hold out leg straiht without severe nerve pain. figured out that i have some kind of bleeding going on in my nerve damaged legs. what i feel in my outer thighs as knots are actually capillaries and they are bursting into bleeding sores on the oustide of my thighs. I have a bout a half dozen sores on my left leg n one on my right. woke up too sick to do anytning but lay in bed. im suposed to have a pesiticide man comin gtomorrow. thinking of canceling it because i dont know where i will get energy o do one hor worh of work that needs to be done. i am so fucked up right now i cannot imagine doing anything.

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