Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fuckers were in my head again, last nite,

Fuckers were in my head again, last nite, trying to access my dreams. You would think they would learn that, no matter how much they violate my privacy, my conscience, my psyche, the stench of their evil pervades their every move. Oh, the evil, satanic bastards are moving too. They have put so much pressure on my brain that I feel like I've got parasites moving beneath my brain (not too far off, either--fucking luciferian parasites, even tho' they dare to call themselves "Christian" for the masses). I was too sick to even get out of bed today, so fucki8ng high and drugged on something that i wasnt even in reality. Worst of all is the relentless muscle spasms and pain. Because of the car accideent i had on friday, I desperately need the opportunity for the body to heal. Instead my msucles are so spasmed that my knees hurt from all the fluid buildup, and my feet are ice cold because of the poor circulation. The spasms have wrenched my right leg and buttock out of the pelvic girdle and it is goddamned PAINFUL. So depressed about condition of body, and my state of life. Then I see the Louisiana people, sick to their hearts and souls about their state of life and their beautiful environment, and I feel their worry. How are they going to pay for their boat payments, mortgages, kids in college, etc. They are the free enterprise entrepeneurs that I support, not the parasitic (aaah, the luciferian parasites are everwhere)monopoly capitalists that don't give a damn about the human being. I believe that the attack on the oil rig was done by the North Koreans, in alliance with the same western Nazis that engineered 9/11. Halliburton was involved, the pigs. I was hoping to be well enough to pray for discernment as I watched Hillary Clinton go to China (I knew she was making a desperate diplomatic attempt to avoid war--for really, how can the oil rig attack not be considered an act of war). I haven't been very healthy, but from what I have been able to tell, the trip was not a success, which I didn't expect, because really, I found it hard to believe (from a common sense perspective, not from any insider knowledge or discernment) that NK would act so brazenly without explicit Chinese support. Then two weeks later, Kim Jong Il was in China getting another handout--"Gulf Coast blood money"--which is the only thing that keeps his failed, disatrous economy and state going. China has been begging for a war, and even though we are weakened and overextended, I don't see how we are going to avoid it, if only (or maybe, initially, through proxy). Unfortunately, China is the country operating from the position of financial, military, and strategic advantage (they have cornered all the vital resources of the world, including rare metals, and oil). Even more disturbing is the pondering going on in my heart of (once again) the possibility of the explicit undermining support of Barack Obama. Obama couldn't go any lower in my estimation. I know that he doesn't love himself or this country, but like the (truly) psychotic, fractured Manchurian candidate and no-self that he is, he longs for something to validate an identity he has never had nor worked to develop--he is just a mind-controlled platform of narcissism and vain ego impulses, but he thinks if he can be the first "world president" he finally will have the identity and self-respect that has eluded him his entire life (and it is his fault--he is lazy and never did the hard work of developing self and character). He doesn't understand...it doesn't work that way. I think there will be a world government someday, but for it to be a success, instead of a monstrosity, it will need to be inaugarated by someone full of love, love of self, family, and identity--national and familial.
Of course, Christian prophecy despises the notion of a one world government, and I believe that it will be a source of the most evilly powerful anti-Christ this world has ever known, but I can't help but feel it is a challenge that the human race must accept and successfully overcome if we are to move forward as a race. Anyway, that is something I continue to pray about.
I also am praying for discernment to learn if Barack Obama once again did the bidding of his Nazi masters. ("Anything, just make me the first world president, Maurice"). I have strong suspicions because Obama made an "interesting" trip to Afghanistan a couple of months ago. The web "conspiracy theorists" noted that his clothes were covered with dust, and they couldn't figure out why. Of course the cover story was that he went to upbraid Karzai, but I, along with most other people who truly follow current events, know that Obama is a puppet who gets zero respect from all the real leaders of the world. When Karzai is upbraided, it is by the defacto leaders of America--Hillary Clinton and the military (of which Robert Gates is the most visible figurehead).
So, I wondered, what was the real motive? Was he just wanting to humiliate Karzai so that he could feel better about his own pathetic self? (I've noticed that he really enjoys humiliating people, and like a petty third world tyrant (to whom he is more psychologically akin than to an American statesman--or stateswoman, he powertrips and humilates others so that he can feel good about himself. The only web analyst who seemed to really hit a reasonant nerve with me (was it Sorcha Faal) mentioned that he actually went to meet the Chinese in Afghanistan, and somehow I brought in Maurice Strong (I don't remember if I got a hint, or if I just know that Maurice Strong has been working with the Chinese for over two years now, to destroy the USA, so whenever I see "Chinese", I say "where is 'Maurice Strong'"). Anyway, it was after that trip to Afghanistan that Obama reversed himself on drilling offshore, which I found a little odd, but I wondred if Obama had bit the national security bullet, and recommended that we drill offshore because he (or Clinton/Gates) recognized that we had to be prepared for war, and needed to be oil independent to do so (because China has got us outmaneuvered in the Middle East oilfields). I gave the man the benefit of the doubt...
But now, I am completely mystified by his utter lack of leadership on the issue. I know that he is not really a leader at all, but he usually is so good at pretence and rhetorical fakery of it all, but even that is absent, which is surprising because he was disturbed by Katrina, and I expected a more genuine response to the disaster that is transpiring in the Gulf. Ronald Reagan could take on a powerful union, but he can't stand up to BP? A first term governor has the balls to offer proactive, creative and immediate action (any action, for God's sakes), but Obama is just diddling--"plug the damn hole"--oh I bet that kind of language has BP shaking in their well-heeled boots, which they are so nonchalantly grinding on the necks of the Gulf citizens--all of them--the humans, mammal, fish and fowl), and even worse, Obama has been diddling since day one. So now I am wondering, was the meeting in Afghanistan with Maurice Strong, and is he once again doing Strong's bidding, and was the whole oil well drilling a setup? If so, he has to go. I feel sorry for the Democratic party politicos. The web is abuzz that the whole Obama illegitimate nomination and election was actually engineered behind the scenes by Karl Rove, and there is no doubt that Obama may very well be the death of the democratic party, but even hardboiled Democrat politicos have to put the country before the party, and IF, IF, IF, this ugly suspicion is true, O has got to go, because it will be clear that he wants to destroy this country. Well, I am going to pray on it. I am going to pray for my country, her real leaders, and all her foot soldiers. God Bless America, and all of those pouring their hearts and Seoul into their efforts.

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