Monday, May 24, 2010

So fucked up on psychotropics

So fucked up on psychotropics not in reality not able to function.. long for oblivion, especially since such severe pain. back muscles so wracked, locked spasmed that it hurts to lift a up to lips. hurts to breathe. dont know what is worse the physical torment or psychological one. all i know is im in hell wish for oblivion for pain to stop. goa head motherfuckers. glad u r torturing me. makes it easy for me to say u will never get nothing from me. hope ur remote viewers can get in my head so they can see whats going on. stupid mother fuckers the only way i come up with insights is by thing king in images u deem psychotic. good luck inside my head now that u have made it truly psycholtic, blasted and alienated. at least i am too sick to see some stupidsass christian thinking how much better i feel when anyone with two eyes can see how totally fucked up i am but u dont listen to reality, u r not aware of reality, and now u r all happy since i share ur stupidass psychosis.

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