Monday, August 3, 2009

Shooting pains in my ankles

Shooting pains in my ankles, and now I see an elongated scar 0n my right ankle, that I don't know how it got there. It probably has been there for a while, but I am just noticing it, as I ponder all the flesh tissue loss of my ankles (dimpled, "eaten" flesh), and the long grooved scallops along the tops of my ankles. My body is so deformed thanks to the goddamned ALIEN frankensteins and their Nazi henchmen that I cannot bear to look at it. I was able to do yoga today, but it was another day of the yoga draining what little energy I had. I was able to realize that the two or three days I spent in psychotropic drug hell caused my lower back to shift dramatically so that once again, I cannot inwardly rotate my legs (I WAS actually improving on that). I did have enough energy to do some brain vibrations or shaking for the first time in three days, but my energy flow is all disrupted. My knees are so locked and painfully stiff that I cannot stand and bounce on my feet. Never fails. No sooner do I spend hours and hours trying to improve my health, when along goes some alphabet soup psych who undoes it all, with their fucked up drugs and brain implants, and leaves me barely able to move. But even tho' physically I am getting more and more compromised and damaged, my emotional and spiritual core becomes stronger with each passing assault. I know that I have no intention of ever being set up as a "schizophrenic" patsy to talk or communicate with aliens that I consider to be humanity's enemies. I feel sorry for all the poor sobs who have set themselves up to be used as "channelers" and actually believe all the outrageious lies that these aliens impart. I may channel in my sleep, but I will never give my consent to it consciously, and you could shove all the goddamned drugs down my throat, and destroy my body, and destroy my life. As for me, I will serve the Lord, and keep praying that some day God redeems me from the hell that is my life....,Did I forget to mention that, just as I feared, I gained weight over this lastbout of psychotropic hell. Not only did I gain two pounds per the scale, I can literally feel my clothes tighter . SO FUCKING PISSED OFF AT THIS NEVER ENDING GODDDAMNED SHIT. SSHOVE THE GODDAMNED ALIEN THING UP YOUR ASS. I AM AN AMERICAN AND TRUE CHRISTIAN--I WILL NOT COOPERATE.

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