Friday, August 21, 2009

Still fucked up on psychotropics

Still fucked up on psychotropics--I am suspecting haldol because haldol is what makes me feel like im crawling out fo my skin. It also give me constant nonstop headaches, makes it impossible of me to think, turns my body into a big piece of deadwood, so that my legs feel like im lifting two ton boulders. no exercise possible. yoga completely impossible when im this fucked up. head weighs about one hundred pounds. have no strength in legs OR arms. No waaaaaaay i can hold a down dog. suffering a lot of joint and muscular pain. too fucked up to work it out. walking around like im drunk. but i dont feel drugn. i feel like i am in hell. God please release....Let's not forget the sores that are breaking out all over my scalp because the goddamned drugs are causing some kind of chemical imbalance.

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