Wednesday, May 6, 2009

7 days of migraines--the last two

7 days of migraines--the last two days nonfunctional. even now cant open eyes. brain stem being strangled. God to go to dr. why i guess they r trying to get me in psych hospital again. i have no hope. dreamed last nite of Sr Pat of SLI --my fucking God, those sadists just wont let me be. Maybe it is my fault--i looked at their web page the other day--check it out every 3 or 4 mos to see if God is answering at least one of my prayers--that those sadistic, warped pieces of shit never destroy another life as they destroyed mine. maybe God is answering prayer--too sick to go into it. but unfortunate side effect--these deeply spiritual but even more deeply warped people continue to monitor and attempt to influence my life. i just want to lay in bed, and gain more and more fucking weith. cant even wear clothes i bought that fit a week ago. as far as they r concerned, the fatter the better--no sexual tempations that way. Fuck you assholes and fuck everything you stand for, including roman catholic church. terhe are people who have true spirituality and true regard for me, no matter how successful your diabolical campoign has been. unfortunately for me too sick to rejoice at whatever little freedom i claim

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