Thursday, March 24, 2011

Most rapid onselt of catatonia

Most rapid onselt of catatonia ever experienced. barely able to move. so severely autistic, cannot baear any stimuli whatsoever. had to turn off tv. cant surf, or read. cant even look at a little piece of anything. overwhelming. i took a couple of shot of vodka to do lithium test. cant tell significant difference. maybe a little. my eyes can open long enough to write this. going to bed. hope i dont wake up so catatonic i cant move. wasted fucking day. stupidass me/ think im figuring it out worse than i thought. also severe nerve pain in teeth. what the fuck are assholes doing to me. alcohol does seem to calm me down, normally i would be ranting raving, maybe it is catatonic. got to go. nose dripping. takes immense effort to wipe it.

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