Friday, March 11, 2011

Welcome to my world, Planet Earth

Welcome to my world, Planet Earth--the luciferian machine of which I have been writing and warning for years, has become self-aware enough to hijack US space missiles and weapons, and now is wreaking havoc, suffering, and destruction on a global scale--the first poisonous fruit of which is the earthquake in Japan. For me, yesterday was a day from hell, as I agonized over a directive in a dream that I didn't/don't want to do. I went to the gym, but between my weakened, shortened body and the drugs that were coming at me, I couldn't really do much but cry. I think the crying was a foreshadowing of the earthquake tragedy in Japan, which I wasn't aware of until I woke up after noon. I was severely drugged all day, but especially in the morning. It was to cover the abduction last night (the drugs are to make sure that I don't remember anything). Still, I knew that I was abducted, because more machine technology was put in my gut, which makes my belly feel like it has a cinder block in it. Nanotechnology in the gut is very important as a first step in preparing the human to be assimilated to the machine. I am not sure why, although I know that a lot of brain neurotransmitters interface in the intestines, but I know that these gut transplants have been a big part of the abduction scenario from even when I was in California, 15 years ago, when this abduction shit started. I recognize the symptomology now--the painful to touch belly, the bloated stomach ("pregnant belly"), the gassiness, the hunger and inability to eat at the same time. As early as Einstein, the preparation of the gut to be seeded with nanotechnology for which to prepare for assimilation to the machine, has been an essential first step. Read Preston Nichols, "Encounter in the Pleiades" if you want a thorough detailing of this abdominal surgery/invasion/hernia, and how it started in the 1930's, at least, including such surgical intervention on such notables as Einstein.

My own personal suffering has been going on for years, and another day of being drugged, in pain, somnolent, and miserable in my own body, is so routine that I just bring it up as part of an ongoing documentation process. But today, it is more than that. Today, it is a much stiffer warning that this too, could be happening to you and your children--if they are lucky enough to be alive, for the entire Earth, starting with Japan, is under assault, and the luciferian Machine only needs a relatively small fraction of the population to keep itself amused.

So, what happened? On March 5th, a sophisticated spy missile/plane was shot into space from Cape Canaveral. There shouldn't have been any problem. The replacement government, spearheaded by the Patriot Leadership Team, which includes high ranking military and defense officials, have been vigilant to make sure that there would only be loyalists in charge of that operation. But, as people who followed the launch at pointed out, almost immediately the launch personnel acted funny in declaring that there would be a news blackout, almost as soon as the X-37B plane was launched. I submit that the X-37B was hijacked by the Machine, even before it left orbit, and was set on a course where it could do the Machine's bidding.

Now, this shouldn't be too hard for the average layperson to grasp. After all the Terminator movies were very popular in the 80's, and I keep pounding it over and over again, that Hollywood screenwriters and filmmakers are used to foreshadow events that are in the preparation stage for the cabal to execute years later (the one virtue that evil seems to have in abundance is patience). I would also recommend that you read Sorcha Faal's recent web posts. Finally, I would recommend you to the site hosted by David Hawkins and Field McConnell. There is a wealth of information there, but these two forensic detectives have pieced together how much of 9/11 was possible, only because of a sophisticated computer sabotage of planes (kill switch turned off), computers and communications. We (the US) have also been under the economic attack of the Luciferian Machine because it is capable of manipulating the computers which run our stock markets. Ask yourself, who makes billions of dollars playing the markets, and you will get a good idea of people who are sold out to, and assimilated into the machine, maybe not as a drone, but as a higher level administrator. This level of sabotage is not anything that the most brilliant human hacker or group of human hackers could pull off. So, the luciferian Machine has been getting more and more powerful, as it gained greater and greater knowledge of, and access to our computer systems, and on March 5th or 6th, it hijacked the shuttle plane.

Why would it do that? Well, I think it was part of a necessary two step process, and while I think the Machine has been ready to execute part II for a while now, first it had to get Part I--the shuttle into the necessary orbit. Part II involved the sabotage and hijacking of the HAARP installation at Alaska, and possibly Greenland as well. There is a lot of talk on the web about HAARP-caused storms (our winter from hell), earthquakes or earthquake machines (Haiti was one), and this talk is true. Our planet is in the same place that Atlantis was, millennia ago--the Earth and 99-100% of its inhabitants can be completely destroyed by this technology. Let me tell you how I understand this technology to work (with a nod of the hat to Ben Fulford's video). The HAARP installation beams incredible wattage of microwave energy into space, but then there has to be a platform in space, to grab the energy beam, in order to direct and ping it back to planet Earth, where the superheating energy causes magma to roil and tectonic plates to stress and slip, so volcanoes erupt and earthquakes rumble. The New Zealand quake was such an engineered quake, though the American HAARP facilities were not involved. There may have been alien HAARP technology involved on Earth (Iran? Afghanistan?--see posts about Zobul/Zobol after NZ quake) or maybe a UFO ship in orbit (almost certainly from Orion) was capable of generating and beaming enough energy to cause the earthquake. In any case, it was our cosmic friends who helped us defeat THAT ship and earthquake weapon. But now "Skynet", the Luciferian machine has taken over our HAARP facilities at Alaska, and since March 9th, the HAARP facilities have been working at full, unrelenting capacity.

For all the cowboys out there, with your fingers on the phones and buttons, let me say that you just can't rush in there and bomb the HAARP facilities to smithereens--because the Luciferian Machine has self-protective defensive mechanisms in place, and is poised to blow multitudes of volcanoes and/or fault lines at the slightest provocation. You see, with all due respect and heartbroken sorrow for the loss of Japanese lives, the Borg Machine just meant this as a warning shot across the bow of Planet Earth, just to let us know what it really is capable of, and it is capable of 1000X worse. Why do I think the earthquake of Japan was really meant as a hard nosed warning shot to humanity? First of all, because the earthquake happened in the one place on Earth best prepared for a tragic earthquake. Japan is the most advanced nature on the planet on earthquake readiness, population awareness, and geo-structural engineering. Secondly, the earthquake took place in a relatively unpopulated province. Finally, the human elements and factors involved, makes me think that this was meant to be a warning shot, and not utter destruction.

Oh, God help us, for a machine is soulless, but sad to say, there are humans involved in this mess, too. It is the same old crowd that is always involved. Bush Sr. is the American most deeply involved with the cabal, though most people identify it with the Federal/Reserve and Law of Admiralty/"City of London" (a rogue corporate entity located in a small section of London). A few days ago, a foreign minister was forced to resign over scandal. Both Fulford and the evidence I have read indicates that he was an agent for the Fed Reserve. Sounds to me like this was payback for the ouster of the cabal's man. Another person deeply involved with the Luciferian Machine is Maurice Strong, a resident of China. China and Japan are historically bitter enemies, with a lot of bad blood and memories from WWII, and there is no doubt in my mind that Strong would have been proud to offer his new homeland a scalped sop to show and seal his true affections for his new power partners.

Finally, there was the witness of Barack Obama, the City of London's man here in America. Before I tackled the research, I knew that the earthquake was probably caused by a weapon wielded by the forces of evil, and as soon as I saw Obama's press conference, I knew for sure that it was, and I knew for sure that once again, that he was a happy and proud co-conspirator. Obama works so hard at controlling his facial expressions and gestures, but he fails to hide his own juvenile brutish glee at the suffering of hundreds of thousands of people. So much for visiting there, and eating some Nippon treat as a kid, and bowing before the prime minister--he has no feeling of sorrow at all. So when was the glee so evident? Pause the video at the lines of: "tsunami hitting the Pacific" (interpretation--power, power, I have the power to smash to bits anything that gets in my way, starting with Hawaii and that damned hospital that doesn't have my birth certificate); "I have activated FEMA", AND "do as you are told" (interpretation--FINALLY, what has eluded me for two years, I get to destroy America's heartland, starting with that horrid state of Arkansas, and get to declare MARTIAL LAW, and then I will round up all the patriotic troublemakers and put them in the razor-wired FEMA camps, and get those damned guns out of peoples' homes--so we can finally move forward on bringing in the new world order); "I am looking forward to working with AG Holder and SAG's" (Finally, I am going to call the shots on those sobs, forget about my birth certificate, and the the blowback over the New Black Panther Party case--things are going to go MY way, and that means the race war in America that me and my buds have been setting up for years(thanks to the good brothers assimilated to the machine, whether by implants or blind, racist ideology, the Black Muslims).

The other interesting part of Obama's press conference was the commentary on energy. He didn't go all the way, but watch it, he will--he is going to attempt to resurrect Maurice Strong's, corruption-riddled, energy useless, but wealth tranferring CHICAGO CLIMATE EXCHANGE. This setup does nothing to increase energy production or efficiency for the consumer. Its sole purpose is to make Strong and his most intimate cronies supremely wealthy, and that is going to get another pass from Obama and Chicago crowd, because the earthquake caused DELIBERATE DAMAGE TO THE NUCLEAR REACTORS. The cabal, and that includes Obama, WANT the nuclear reactor to fail, so they can push the damned Climate Exchange carbon tax on the poor American people once again. The reactor needed coolant, and Hillary Clinton tried to get the coolant there, but apparently the coolant never got there. Just one more crime against humanity Obama. I don't know if the reactor is going to melt down or not, but I know this isn't over.

You see, that warning of Japan's catastrophic tragedyh was actually directed towards the United States. The Borg Machine really picked its time--the entire planet is in an astrological vulnerability to earthquakes now, especially for the next couple of weeks, and really for the the next couple of months. The Machine is attempting to make deals/force surrender on the part of the American Patriot Leadership Team, or America is the next recipient of a 9.0 earthquake and/or nuclear meltdown. I especially worry about the New Madrid fault line, because Obama is a hater, and Arkansas is right in the middle of that fault line, but it could be California or Hawaii (I wonder if that Abercrombie idiot is still grinning about growing up with Obama...). Even more worrisome, another missile, one carrying a payload for the National Reconnaissance Office (the really bad space soldiers for the cabal) just shot into orbit today. What is the machine planning to do next? Triangulate the earthquake microwave beam? Take over the financial markets? Crash the internet? I guess that I sign off, knowing that every post could be my last....but still all is not lost. There are a few positives--just not much for me. But for everybody who prays, we need prayers--not just Japan, not just the USA, but the whole planet. Don't panic. It is not time to hit the panic button. It is time to pray, and think of alternative, if undesirable options.

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