Saturday, March 5, 2011

No rest for the good

No rest for the good--I am exhausted as I swing from being force fed one psychotropic drug to another. I WAS on the drug that makes me fluid filled and fat, feeling like a slug. Well, it left pounds on me (a cousin of lithium, or perhaps lithium itself), but now I am on the drug that I have been on before recently--the one that turns my body into a mucous factory. I am coughing from all the drainage (PIB's better be careful or I willend up with pneumonia or bronchitis), and my mouth feels like it is coated in a film of mucous. As for the emotional/mental effects, I am seriously dragging. I woke up with a splitting headache. Instead of its usual base of skull pressure, I felt like I had an axe embedded in my forebrain. I don't know if that is the result of psychotropics or cranial manipulaton. I just know that it hurts pretty bad, and I keep shutting my eyes to keep out stimuli. I just want to lay down and sleep. I went for a bike ride to try to get rid of the sluggish feeling and perpetual headache, but while the brisk air felt good, I feel like shit as soon as I sit down at the computer, and the emission that intiates the viral download hits me. But I have got to push. I would rather be laying on the floor, watching a movie, but there is so much to be done---things I have put on and new crisis. I just watched a video of former Libyan justice minister Mustafa Abdel Jalil:

That man is not speaking of his own volition. He is under exteme duress. He speaks a few sentennces at a time. Someone is feeding him the words. What that means is that this man of integrity is being told what to say and do, controlled, and given the level of high duress and stress I can discern from the video, I would say that his handlers are evil, and perhaps foreign puppet masters, looking to control Libya. On top of that I read where "British spies" are looking to go into Libya. Much of British intelligence, like much of American intelligence, is infiltrated and run by the cabal. I never finished my post on Pakistan, but I realized that Briish intelligence was very involved with Al-Qaida, indeed conspiring with the high level Taliban terrorists, and working through and with Pakistan security to create mind -controlled puppets, such as President Zardari, who was in on the conspiracy to murder his own wife and continues to be complicit in the murders of any possible Pakistani patriots or leaders--Bhatti was the most recent victim. So, the question I have is who is the British perp behind this? Someone I already have identified--Jacob Rothschild or someone new? Who is controlling these rogue elements of British intelligence? Now admittedly, the US has its own intelligence issues, and I would rather focus on those, but the kind of destabilization that could occur if evil elements gain power in Libya, makes this a problem that could affect America. For that matter, the real perp may be a emerging powerful Muslim leader, who as of yet, is hidden behind the scenes (the evil son "made reincarnate by the 'gods' of Hannibal?" So as sick and drugged as I feel, it is back to the drawing board.

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