Friday, June 25, 2010

Just as I predicted

Just as I predicted--the drugging would begin again, once the alternative healing session was over. I was drugged on something last nite that has completely drained my energy and made my legs numb. I know, I know, because when I did yoga today, I felt the same old drag that makes it hard to reach full spiritual expression. They are so interested in opening my chakras, but only a drug free life allows for a full spiritual life. Otherwise, I just go dragging and literally "bumping into walls" as I did today. Maybe the dumbasses are feeding me serontonin again. Funny thing--I never suffered from depression, until after years of their chemical poisoning of my brain, wore down my natural vitality and spirit. I dont think serotonin is the answer at tall. I think that it is dragging me down now, and in a couple or three days I will be virtually nonfunctiional..I long for the days of joy, and energy and free spirit, and yes, goddamn it--because it is me--hyperactivity.
Instead, I spenmd hours on the web site trying to figure out what these goddamned fuckers are doing to me, and planning for the rest of humanity in the future. After years of virus and chemical poisoning, i think my digestive system is really messed up worse than I thought. I had kept quiet about the blood in the stool, the diarrhea, and the constant going to the bathroom. I now realize that the tenderness i have experienced in my abdomen is actually the pain, I strongly suspect, of Chrohn's disease. I am going to increase my vitamin D dosage to see if that helps, but everything I eat hurts and/or sends me to the bathroom. Most importantly is to try to keep active, when i am dragging so bad. i dont even know if i can go for a bike ride later. Body is just so drugged up and dragged down.

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