Saturday, January 22, 2011


Stoned on some drug for much of the day--I mean, literally, I thought I was high on pot, especially when I went driving. I haven't been that stoned since my 20's when the last thing I remember before the lights of L.A was the I-10 overpass at Ontario. After the last few years of being drugged on every psychotropical chemical imaginable, and never knowing when another download is going to hit, I have become adept at driving under unbeknownst chemical influence. Stay focussed on the space in front of you, drive very slowly so you have reaction time, talk to yourself out loud about the lights so you can stay focussed on them and see when they change before you run a red light (especially with those damned camera tickets). Not ideal at all, but even though I knew I was high as a kite, I didn't realize how seriously impacted my senses were until I started driving. Everyone else knew though. The PNM meter reader started pawing me when I asked him a question. You know, drunk women are available women (LOL). I didn't mind--I was too looped out. I got a hate stare from a soliciting drunk--and he never even approached me--but I could read his mind. He thought I was a lush like his own self and he was hating me for it! I had wanted to go pick up some meds, but I was too drugged, but once I started driving, I saw the gas tank was on E, and I knew that I had to get gas. I started to play with my new digital camera and took it with me in hopes of starting to practice in earnest, but I was too drugged to do anything. I am too drugged to focus or read (you know, I can't even hold a book up anymore with my arms all chopped off and soldered back on, so as to meet the Nazi Mengelian specs), but just as with a marijuana high, there's little outrage and anger. I just keep stumbling through life, hoping for a break, and disappointed every time I see indications of NWO resurgence, and I certainly have seen that today.
Jeffrey Immelt of GE is the new main handler of Obama for the puppetmaster. The good guys were corraling Obama fairly well, but now Immelt (Soros must have forgiven Obama for his rank incompetency, or another heavyweight is moving Soros' high level pieces). Do not forget that Immelt was part of the business entourage that accompanied Obama to India. Just a strong suspicion that every single executive involved in that trip to India, is a treasonous traitor who knew of Obama's/the cabal's plans to destroy America with dirty bombs and tsunamis, and were looking to run and start afresh their high-profit empires from Asia, while the vast multitude of America starved and drowned. The corporate rape of America by these fascists is just beyond belief. I saw a piece on Boeing receiving 1 billion dollars for a totally dud Mexican border fence. It was supposed to be a dud! I bet it was over 900 million dollars in sheer profit for Boeing and their shareholders.

Then the political scene is starting to show a strong shift of support for the NWO/cabal. C-Span just ran a state of the union address from Poppy Bush! The polls are "indicating" (ie, leading the unwitting American public by a hidden halter) that Mitt Romney is the new Republican front runner. Romney is the cabal's choice for president, and he will be the figurehead, while the Bush family and their best buds run the white house with help from Romney's anticipated personal handler, would-be veep, Jeb Bush. I saw Geraldo prepping the field for "good ole JB", with an interview and high praise. I am not a republican, but Romney, Bush, Gingrich are all either ineffective figureheads or deeply corrupted by the cabal. Speaking of corruption, Baby Doc is managing to peer through his near catatonic drug haze to speak of his desire to help Haiti rebuild (LOL). But his presence is an important piece of strategy for the cabal, and there seems to be little resistance. Bill Clinton, who has held the title of most sincere spokesman for Haiti, is partying with NFL prima donna entertainers into the wee hours of the morning. WTF, Bill? What did you do now?

Then there is the little, mostly unknown appeal of Amanda Knox in the Italian judicial system. This woman is a psychopathic murderer from a satanic family, who not only deprived an innocent woman of her life, and the family of her presence, but she also destroyed the life of her boyfriend. HE was the one who was the basically good kid who got roped into her sex games, and ultimately a tortuous murder, all because of a blind, youthfully stupid infatuation. I followed this trial from its earliest time, because I remember when the press originally started fawning all over her, proclaiming her innocence. So I looked into it with an open mind, and I was SHOCKED by the depth of depravity I found in her, as revealed in her truly psychopathic style of writing, her demeanor, and the demeanor of her family. Maybe having worked in the justice system helps me to see right through these people,and maybe I am oversensitive because I have suffered so much blatantly outrageous injustice at the hands of others, but it really bugs me when people flaunt and escape justice. Maybe they are rich and/or powerful, and can literally get away with egregious felonies, maybe they get off because of their race(OJ Simpson in LA county), or as ALMOST happened, in this young girl's case, because they are attractive. Most good people seem incapable of seeing beyond the surface of individuals who are truly depraved and evil, and young Amanda (and her family, from what I saw of them) fits this category. Anyway, there is no doubt in my mind that this woman comes from a high level satanic/Illuminati family, and powers that be have moved everything to free her. As a matter of fact, if memory serves me correctly, I think I remember that the Vatican got involved to have this murderer's case appealed. I think that it is important for these satanically bloodlined families to show that they can protect their own. The stupidass patriarchal men want to say I am sexist or hateful to men--BULLSHIT. If that siren goes scot free to continue to live a life of pathological criminality, while her basically decent boyfriend languishes for decades in prison, I will be furious! Don't look at people's outsides--I don't care if she appears a demure and attractive young woman--train your eyes to look at their insides. And speaking of that, there is another evil woman peddling her lies and her tears on the web right now--I have seen her on two separate MSM websites, and it makes me sick, and I long for justice to be done, but there is nothing for it, at this time, except in prayers and meandering blogging (I told you I was stoned!)
One last thing, I am really tired--the fucking PIB's interfered with my REM sleep last night, I think. I didn't dream at all--but not in a restful way, but in a deprived way. I hope this doesn't happen again tonight--maybe my inability to dream (and God knows I need to dream; I always have had a need to dream, even as a young child), is why I feel so high. Certainly the brain rushes started happening again last night, but I got up. Anyway, I hope I can sleep right tonight...

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