Friday, May 27, 2011

Good news and bad news

The good news is that I am confident that I have won in my battle against cosmic evil. First of all, let me be sure that you understand that I mean, I myself, personally, have won. This comes after a another night of heavy cutting, leaving me with no neck (literally, all I have is a double chin), and more cutting on my back and torso, leaving an unnatural curve in my back, chronically pained shoulders, and worse of all, an even more severely diminished range of motion with my arms. I literally cannot move my arms without brushing breasts, which drives me out of my mind--especially when I am on estrogen. I think that as long as estrogen is minimized, my brain has learned to tune out my body (that never used to happen when I was fueled predominantly by testosterone, but then I used to be proud of my body); however as soon as the high estrogen hits, my brain and entire body recoils in hateful revulsion at the unnatural and unwanted high levels of the hormone, and then I feel this horrible, fucked up, mutilated body and I go out of my mind with revulsion for my own body. I suppose all this shit was done so that the fucking fallen angels from hell can pour more virus into my brain. It doesn't work. It just makes me very autistic, and wanting to shake the head.

But I have figured it out--the demonic Sirians don't care about my physical body or my psychological health or how I get along or don't get along in the world. There is only reason they haven't killed me before now. They need to keep alive the Orion demon prince that is compartmentalized as an evil spirit within my flesh. Not only do they stay in contact with it that way, but they push for full-fledged "possession" of me by the evil spirit. When that happens, MACHINE-RA (with whom they are in allied league), will then have a husk or shell of a being (formerly known as me), devoid of holy or human spirit and individuated personality, through which it can propagate spiritual bullshit to the masses of Earth. Also, I think, if the Orion demon prince can take full possession of me, it will be free to move in this space/time realm and dimension of space. In other words, it would become fully empowered here, and Earth and all of humanity would be in deep, deep trouble. I understand now that as much as I hate that fricking evil spirit, I am its jailer, and thus Earth's protector, as much as it is my jailer and tormentor through astral abductions. Oftentimes I ask God, "why did you give me this vocation. I want to quit" and God replies, "Who else could do it?" For that Orion evil demon was intent on finding its way to Earth, and would have succeeded, no matter what. When the hell of Revelation was opened, my body and person became the hell to contain the escaping demons. The Orion demon would have looked for a host of great spirit, for compatibility purposes--it probably thought taking possession of its host would be relatively easy--but of course it was wrong. Only an individual of both profound spiritual depths, and human strength of will could do what I have done so far, and while I wish that someone else had gotten the nod, or that I could do something to pass the baton to someone, I understand that no matter what, I cannot allow the demon to escape. Not only would it wreak havoc and destruction for Earth and our population, but it would enable the "ascension" of the fallen angels (aka, the negative Sirians--for people who don't know their scripture) to a higher dimension of reality. That would be "the Event". Earth would pass into another dimension, probably destroying the beautiful physical planet and nearly the entire population as we know it, but the fallen angels would enter a state or dimension in which they become even more powerful, rapacious, and murderous than they already are. This would have implications throughout the entire galaxy, and in the higher dimensions as well as us poor 2DNA strand humans. All the evil Sirians need is that their high demon prince from Orion to be set free in the overlapping time/space dimension in which they currently reside so that it/he can lead and point the way, but it/he can't. He's JAILED inside my fleshly abode, even if he does get an astral pass on night visits every now and then.

There is no point in asking the Sirians/fallen angels for death, because they will never kill me, since that would separate them even further from their demonic prince, and release me! So here we are, locked in spiritual and psychological struggle, but I know now that I have already won (God has been telling me that for a few years, now, but it sure has never felt like it). I knew that today, when I was trying to type on a regular keyboard at a regular desk (instead of using my tiny netbook, with a low table on which to splay my arms from their mutilated shoulders and constant friction with my breasts). As difficult and miserable as it was, there was a certitude in me, that yes I had won. Despite the misery and alienation, I have experienced the most horrific of pain and suffering, but still I insist on my free will serving God, and not evil. I don't know how or when this struggle is going to end. I had hoped that the May 21st date referred to a time frame in which the evil Sirians had to leave this plane of our existence, but it was a dashed hope. Maybe Oct 21st...It doesn't matter. I have to persevere--the alternative is tragedy and destruction of a magnitude that we on Earth literally cannot fathom (because it would impact dimensions of which we know nothing, except sometimes when a "guardian angel" pays us a discreet and fleeting visit). So now, every time I feel miserable in my body or take a hate stare from someone who looks at me like I am a freak, I just remind myself visually of Salusa (I have seen pictures of him, and am certain they are spot on, because I recognize him from my astral memories), and the other negative Sirians I have encountered, and the feelings of anger justified spiritual conviction, and bodily determination, blots out my personal feelings of despair and misery. I HAVE WON, even if I have no shoulders with which to wipe the sweat off my face or am in constant pain. I don't care. I have come what I came to do, and I will continue to do it, until the good Lord takes me home, and Lord, I would be mighty happy to leave early, but as long as this home, I have to persevere.

Having shared that bit of good news (reveals how messed up my life really is, when the above paragraphs can be read as "good news"), let me move on to the bad news. I have been worried about the possibility of war with Pakistan and China for a long time. I do not hate or dislike either country or their people. As a matter of fact, I remember letting through a Freudian slip about feeling sorry for the people of China, and it is true--I do feel sorry for them. They are an oppressed, unfree people, and their government and military is leading them down the road to aggrandizement and war--which could easily mean the death of hundreds of thousands of Chinese, if not, God forbid, more, but to the Communist Party hierarchs, life is cheap; it is power that is coveted like gold. The Chinese people are in grave spiritual danger, because their DNA (like mine, and many White westerners and Middle Easterners) is reptilian. I read an article last night that the reptilian overlords and spirit had moved from the West to China, and "ping of truth" hit me. Now remember, there is nothing wrong or tragic about having reptilian DNA--there are pros and cons to having it-- but reptilian DNA does make one more susceptible to possession by reptilian overlords, and when the leaders of a country are so possessed, their subjects and citizens suffer.

Why do I think reptiles have moved on to China? First of all, because Maurice Strong moved there, and he is possessed by a very powerful reptile demon spirit (talking 9th circle of hell, here, for sure...) I do not have a globe or good spatial visualization skills but I wish I could see where a point driven through Crestone CO, and then inner Earth, terminates on the other side of the globe. I also find it interesting that so many corporations of Faction 2 have given illegal technology to China, and when Obama and Faction 2 wanted to set off bombs in India, a whole host of high level CEO's accompanied Obama on a trip to India--they all had investments in China and India.

Both Faction 1 and Faction 2 foresee a planetary change in which the North hemisphere, and most notably the western world is decimated by global changes. Now, I don't believe for one second that such a future is inevitable. Otherwise, why would the various elements of Faction 2 need to try to force changes. For that is what they have done, with their plots of scorching the sky, setting off nukes, earthquakes, tornadoes, and the Gulf. One of the worst consequences of the Deepwater Horizon well blowout, was a disruption of the Atlantic warm conveyor belt, which keeps northern Europe warm enough to be habitable. They are trying to deep freeze Northern Europe. Why? Because the people of the northern hemisphere have gotten to hip to the presence and reality of occult overlords and how to fight back (David Icke has become downright respectable in the UK, and a whole host of people are know what is going on here). Plenty of fresh meat for the reptiles in China--not only literally, as in consumption of corpses from wars and tragedies, but also from the suffering and stress of a nation oppressed, conflicted and stressed by war and fear. So what would happen to all the good reptiles from US and the UK--why, they already have plans to expatriate elsewhere--China, India, and Africa (why do you think China has horned in so mightily in Africa--that is going to be the next colonial feeder station for the reptiles. How do I know this?

Aaaaah. Remember, Obama was groomed and mind-controlled from a very early age by reptilian factions. His was an unnatural and orchestrated conception and birth, and the occultists could have had him born anywhere, but where was he born? Kenya. That was no accident. The evil cabal didn't just choose BHO Sr. because Ann Dunham thought he was cute. No, it was PLANNED, that the first President of the post-apocalyptic, post-pole-shift (in their dreams) NWO be Kenyan. Then, there is the fact that Maurice Strong spent a lot of time in Kenya fomenting rebellion and chaos, and I do believe, creating occult infrastructure, fear and obedience among local leaders. My guess is that Kenya has been planned to be not only an outlet for a lot of reptilian expatriates from Northern Europe, but the CAPITAL of reptilian Whites in Africa, that is, after BP and all their corporate buds make it an uninhabitable place to live. Of course, the Irish, and many of the Brits (especially the Scots), are slated for repatriation to the Holy Land, because that will fulfill the prophecy of the restoration of Israel--those nations represent the Lost tribes of Israel, and furthermore, I believe many Irish and Scots are actually of the tribe of Levi. Among Israelis of that tribe, many descendants carry the surname Cohen. I think this corresponds to Khan, Kan, Connor, O'Connor, Connelly, Connell, O'Connell, Cain, McCain, McCann--you get my point? This hypothesis is easily verified. If I am right, these Scotch, Irish, and Mongolia males will carry the Cohen gene.

I have a bad feeling however, that these occultists are not interested in a grand reunion between lost brothers. The Templars have known since the 12th century of their relations with Judah and Benjamin, and instead of working to ease the plight of their persecuted, long-lost cousins, during the Diaspora, they were responsible for fomenting a lot of anti-Semitism and intolerance. I think they want to dominate any future of Israel, or should I say, Jerusalem, and they will orchestrate a war to decimate the current Israeli people. I hate to be so negative, but that is the way it has been in the past, and I don't see any reason to believe that anything has changed. No, that whole grand royal bit with the Obamas visiting Ireland and England has been planned for a long time (with Obama toasting his Irish heritage--what a laugh!). Still, it is good image PR for the first "President of the World" to have both Irish and Kenyan blood in him, because that is what the human reptiles--Rothschild, Strong, & company have planned to be the new epicenters of the human race. A prince will rule as King of the World from Jerusalem, William Windsor, and a son of Kenya, will rule the expatriates of Africa from some idyllic planned city (a la Washington DC) in Kenya. Rothschild had that grand spectacle of Obama in Buckingham Palace and Westminster Hall, planned out years ago. He was just biding his time, before he moved to decapitate the Patriot Leadership Team through blackmail. Well, from what I can tell, the Congress of the USA has come through for us, and the Patriot Leadership Team may be reeling, but they ain't down for the count.

Why do I bring this all up? Because the occultists are always one step ahead--they have the benefit of being evil--having no sense of fair play or conscience whatsoever. This was all planned out a long time ago, before young Barry was even a zygote in a petri dish. Their next step, as Sean Morton has pointed out in his TV interview with Project Camelot, will be to depopulate Africa with gene targeted diseases such as HIV (yes, that is an engineered drug, and it was designed to especially target both homosexuals and people from Africa ), in order to create room for the White reptilians and the their upper class sycophants. The reptilian occultists also need to finish the global cooling process, so continue to watch for volcanic ash near the northern poles, and the Caribbean area between Cuba and Miami. Watch out for something to further rock the gulf--it could also be the Madrid quake--anything to further disrupt that conveyor belt of warm water.

Now, why did we move closer to war with China/Pakistan today? (I have got to go fast--the electromagnetic pulse is making me really sick now...have to go to bed soon.) Well, first of all, Lord Rothschild, Reptile Primero Uno, has to be upset that the "colonists" (by that, I mean the duly elected Congress of the USA), continue to be so uppity and obstructionist. Then there were the pictures that came back from Hillary's visit to Pakistan. I could sense the malevolence coming from the Pakistani leadership, even from the photos. I have a hunch that Hillary was even threatened with death, while there. That, of course, is outrageous, and almost unbelievable, UNLESS you have done a little research into Pakistan--a den of murderers and thieves. Its President, (Zardari is the name I think) was sitting across from Hillary in an alienated state of evil hostility. I am not surprised. I think he, (as well as many other high ranking Pakistanis) have been mind controlled by rogue CIA and MI6 (Rothschilds' and 41's boys). However, the clear message that I got from this meeting was that China is backing Pakistan's moves, and not only that, wants Pakistan to engage in a proxy war on their behalf (and remember Pakistan has gone nuclear--I wonder how that happened???).

The other article I read that told me China was making aggressive moves was a small piece about 2 pregnant South Korean women dying of an unknown virus. The virus caused a thickening and severe scarring of lung tissue. I believe that virus is what also ails me. Remember, I could barely breathe when I took a high dosage of testosterone--not enough to make me agressive or muscular--just enough to make me feel well. But the high level of sex hormones (which again, is what the reptiles milk us for--but they don't want to kill us, but keep us alive to harvest our hormones) is what kicked a severe lung attack and a feeling of being freezing cold, so that I slept all afternoon in wool blankets. Well, what happens to pregnant women? They start producing massive amounts of sex hormones--and I think that is what triggered their virus to the point of death.

I think China, which of course is working very closely with the negative aliens, is attempting to blackmail South Korea, into compliance with its directives. Otherwise, they will release the virus among the population, attacking pregnant women first, so the country will perish from lack of fertility (and I wonder if that damned same virus was the first step in the degradation of the Grays natural fertility?). I know South Korea is in a difficult quandary vis a vis China, but I would caution them not to trust China. South Korea has really made great strides in quality of life for their people. By that, I mean, their people are afforded a lot of freedom and opportunity for choice and individuation. The reptiles AND the communists can't stand freedom. It makes a subjugated populace difficult to control. China will never accept a free South Korea. For that matter, I don't think they care one iota about the Korean people, period. They want land, in which to move their expanding population, and they want prime land--not what they got in Tibet--formidable mountains barely able to support a scant population through subsistent herding. There is also the mystery of all those large, but completely deserted towns in China. I think the Chinese, through the intermediary of Maurice Strong, has offered to host the incoming aliens (as relayed in "The Event"), whose Sirian planets have been destroyed, in those deserted towns. All of this is going to put pressure on China. They need to move somewhere. I would think BOTH South and North Korea should be very concerned about their ability to maintain sovereignty (China may use N Korea to attack S Korea, but ultimately, they have no more respect for them, than for the South).

So yes, I think we moved closer to war today. I will say that I am proud of my Secretary of State. This is twice now that I have seen her grossly disrespected (the recent Chinese visit was another one), but she keeps her professional cool. I am glad. As a woman, she does not get any respect from misogynists (and I would say that applies to both Pakistani and Chinese leadership), but there is no point in trying to force respect. They will only learn the lady means business by hard experience, and in the meantime, it is an honor to see a high ranking world leader behaving fairly, rationally and diplomatically. I would encourage Hillary to keep up the good work and not be discouraged if it does not bear immediate fruit. I watched her take really heavy flak from young Pakistanis on her last visit, when she tried to engage college students in a dialog. I saw a lot of resistance to Hillary's offered perspective, but you know, I believe that Good people do not coerce and they do not bullshit or lie. They tell the truth, and so liars and schemers think that they are an easy mark. They are not, but we always have to remember that we humans only plant a seed--a seed of an idea, and it is up to the Holy Spirit to water and nourish it, until it blooms full in someone's head or heart. I hate to say it, but we probably will go to war soon with Pakistan (I pray otherwise), but the hope I see doesn't come from the living dead that I saw meeting with Hillary today, but somewhere in Pakistan, some seeds, planted by Hillary are growing, and as long as we continue to act with respect when we are disrespected, and are fair and clear in our expectations and requests, those seeds will bloom when the time is right.

Now my time is to go to bed with an electromagnetic buzz in my head. Tonight, they are going to try to plug me into MACHINE-RA. I knew it. That is why I tried to take care of all my chores and stock up on all the foodstuffs I need to celebrate Memorial Day. Memorial Day is important to me this year, for I realize I am an "unknown soldier" in a battle of war and evil, and I have been gravely wounded in this battle, but this weekend I intend to draw inspiration from all the men and women who have gone before me, fighting for the right thing, suffering for the right thing, dying for the right thing, and dealing with PTSD and mental health issues--all because they served the cause of freedom, our country, and the Good. I salute them all, and wish all veterans a joyful weekend. Amen.

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