Wednesday, May 18, 2011

More cutting on my body

More cutting on my body last night, as the negative Sirians make an all-out effort to plug me into the MACHINE-RA that they serve. This time it was on my ribs and back--what is left of them. I am really concerned that I am not going to have a sufficient skeletal system to healthily carry my organs and my huge belly, that is growing every day. My belly fat gain is not the result of lifestyle choices, though admittedly I have lost the desire and ability to exercise--which is how I was able to keep my weight gain in check for years. No, it is the result of the low testosterone and excess estrogen, caused by the virus, and further aided by the endless psychotropic forays on my system which now is ruining my health.

Last night was a really bad night for the virus. Even now, I can barely lift my head or open my eyes, while my face is grotesquely swollen. Not only do I have brain implants downloading and circulating the virus, there are external factors increasing the amplitude as well. For instance, sitting here at my computer, I get a hefty dose of the electromagnetic frequency that stimulates viral output in my body. It is not the computer's fault. It has been tampered with (as has my other laptop), and somehow, they were able to place some kind of hardware on the machine that sets off the frequency, concurrently with the laptop fan.

Furthermore, the Tylenol PM that I took last night were tampered with, at the point of sale, before I even bought them! This happens more frequently than you would believe--even in OTC drugs that I buy. You see, all these screenwriters of shows that attempt to reveal the huge danger posed to the populace by the ET aliens, always neglect to feature the most powerful weapon of the aliens--their intensely advanced psychic abilities. Whenever I watch TV programs that show humans effectively parrying the alien threat, I always demur to myself, "but how would this strategy work, if the evil alien could read your minds and anticipate your moves?" For you see, that is indeed what is happening. Now, I am certain that our government and military have advanced means of protecting their institutional sanctums, just as they have the most state of the art protection against hackers of the communications frequencies utilized by devices such as phones and computers. One such tool of which many are unaware is current cadre of PSI Corps--psychically gifted and trained humans who can project not only a shield around the thoughts of others, but also of their own personal brain waves--and thus their thoughts and feelings. Unfortunately, I do not have this gift of blocking others from my mind. As a matter of fact, because of years of interior chattering to myself, I broadcast everything loud and clear. Effectively that means the negative aliens who constantly monitor my every move, knows exactly what my thoughts and plans are. Yesterday, they knew that I planned to buy some Tylenol PM, and so I think they visited every purveyor of OTC drugs along the 4th St route that they knew I would possibly visited and contaminated the drugs. How do they do it? Simple. They take a hardware device, and just run it over the packaged drugs, and the frequency subtly alters the molecular makeup of the pills themselves. It does not harm a virus-free purchaser of the pills, though it probably does affect efficacy to some degree, but for me, the altered pills cause an immediate reaction and increased download of the virus.

I know this sounds incredibly paranoid, but believe me, after years of trying to outwit my alien persecutors, and their sold out Nazi government agents, I have learned this to be true. It just is another challenging factor to deal with in my desire to stay alive and functioning. Last night, I failed miserably. The Excedrin PM I took caused instantly the tightness in the chest, difficulty breathing, and cold temperature that I now associate with toxic levels of the virus. I took a couple this morning to confirm my hypothesis(I can already tell that this is not going to be a productive, happy, or healthy day), and sure enough it was confirmed, even though I am not suffering to the extent that I suffered last night (because the baseline download of the brain implants is lower).

Such is my life, but still I wouldn't have it any other way. My guess is that the negative aliens are unhappy with my constant revelations regarding them and their evil purpose. Tough. I watched a cute video of four hungry kittens this morning (we all need something to make us smile), and as I watched them meow, claw, cling, and complain to the video camera, I am reminded of the truth that it is healthy beings who can state their needs and frustrations. It is a hardship for a couple when they get bring an infant into the world--the crying, especially at 2 in the morning, is a real adjustment. I have a little bit of experience with that, when my former lover's grandmother came into custody of a fetal alcohol syndrome infant, that we watched overnight on occasion. At first the baby was completely listless--"Failure to thrive" the doctor said, but the grandmother spent hours everyday holding a bottle nipple to her lips, and the baby went from utter silent passivity, sucking less than a bottle of milk a day to a healthy and ravenous appetite, preceded by a lusty wail. I can attest to that through personal witness, experiencing the 2 am wake up call myself.

I bring this up, because I think the negative Sirians, are great at using their superior abilities and technology to survive, but I don't think they know how to thrive. They know how to ensure ongoing existence, but they don't know how "to live." That is why they are contemptuous, covetous, and even punitive, in their response to those humans, like me, who do know how "to live", and how to thrive. The Sirians have so shut down or shut out their healthy response to life, so that their species now can no longer reproduce itself, which is why they are engaged in egg harvesting and genetic tampering. God's overarching primal command is "to be fruitful and multiply". The Sirians can no longer do that, so despite their contempt for us, who they regard as an inferior species, they harvest our eggs. While my children were bred to be slaves, many Sirian-created human lives have been conceived and birthed in hopes of creating a "perfect race", blond-haired and blue-eyed, that they think will pass muster as "containers" for Sirian souls. Maybe that is what "ascension" is all about--disembodying oneself in a realm where the more powerful spirit of a Sirian can take possession of the disenfranchised human body, the "container". Certainly the reptiles have proven that they can take possession of a human body (even if only temporary), and I know that the negative Sirians really identify with the worst traits of the reptiles.

Still, they cannot possess a human "container", until the DNA is compatible with their own--which may be why that a few select humans (like me) are targeted for DNA changes on an intensely personal level, while the chemtrail spraying operations of the last few years have attempted to do on a large scale level.

Why do the negative Sirians need our bodies--because of a failure to thrive. They no longer can reproduce their own kind. I have a couple of theories for that, but the one most current in my estimation, is that the negative Sirians have lost an appreciation for the body, the heart, and sex. Probably a huge factor in this unfortunate development is the own genetic victimization by the reptiles. I know that the implants in my own body has resulted in a large negative impact on my own feeling function (and even though I don't show it, I am actually a huge feeler in my healthy life). For all their intellect, the negative Sirians seem so alienated from their feeling function that they can torture and torment a human being, such as myself, with either very little or absolutely no qualms of conscience. They have no regard for the body, which is why they no longer are capable of creating any on their own, but instead must steal others in order to survive. However, they never will be happy, because surviving doesn't mean that one is thriving, and they have learned to deny their own needs (again, reptilian influence?) for true love, empathy and connectedness.

Given the hatred of sexuality that I have experienced from them (unlike the Pleiadians, which I have only encountered through channelings that my inner voice know to be authentic), they do not appreciate sex whatsoever. They do not use sex as a vehicle for sexual reproduction--they clone eggs or fertize sperm and ova in a dish, than rear the fetus, via an artificial, technological "womb". However, their own eggs and sperm are now no longer viable, and I think it is because they do not engage in sex as a love act. You see, all creativity, springs from love. The negative Sirians are not lovers. They do not respect the act of sexual lovemaking as a form of creative play for adults--which is really what it is.

This is why that mature and moral (committed) homosexual sexual acts ARE spiritually legitimate. They engender and create a love that in turn enlarges the field of love and creativity, though not that of reproduction. Of course, that is what heterosexual lovemaking does as well, but because Sirians have not physically procreated for generations now, I think that the model of homosexual lovemaking is actually a more relevant one to them. They need to learn to engage in the creative play that is adult lovemaking, just for the joy and love it creates, not to copulate in order to fertilize an egg. I think that if they could do this, they would be able to produce viable sperm and ova again, and not steal ours. Of course I could be wrong in my supposition that the Sirians do not appreciate sex, but I have encountered many relations through abduction, and a few personal relation, and there seems to be a lack of that passion and joy, which is the foundation of not only a healthy spirituality, but also of a healthy psychological "thriving" for life.

Well, their controlling experimentation has certainly undercut my own personal "thriving for life", but like the hungry kittens or a wailing baby, I will continue to insist upon my personal needs--for love, sex, joy and passion--in order to thrive at life. I will complain about the suffering and sickness I endure, because as long as I can voice my complaint, instead of suffering passively, I maintain some small measure of human life. I deeply miss the passion, love, joy and sex of my once happy and healthy life. Indeed, I would wish it for EVERYBODY, human and alien. Hopefully my suffering and loud complaints will impress upon others the essential need of an individual to not only survive but to THRIVE.

ps--You know, I can't help but wonder if the Sirians inability to procreate has been further heightened by their insistence on genetic and bloodline "purity control". There are at least 3 Sirian factions (there may be a total of 4) that I have identified. One is the blond, blue-eyed faction which seeded Scandinavia and the Germanic tribes. Another is their close kin--the Aryan faction, founded by Samjaza and the red Sith lords or fallen angels. This faction would include the peoples that carry the genes for red heads. Finally, there is the dark-skinned, cat-eyed Sirians. There may be a separte, fourth faction, of dark-skinned Semitic people. Sadly, there seems to be serious virulent hatred between the factions, and the dark-skinned, cat-eyed Sirians seem to be persecuted by their brethren. Now, what if, instead of engaging in a destructive civil war, these different factions had made peace and intermarried. I think that certainly would have shored up their genetic structure, instead of the narrow inbreeding of "purity control" so many of the Sirians have insisted upon. I don't know if it is too late for that to happen, but unlike the Sirians, who are not interested in dialogue to solve their problems, but rather, in a controlling fashion, want to determine and implement a solution, without dialogue, I believe that solutions can be found to pressing problems by respect for others' opinions. We humans may not have 12 strands of DNA, but we can contribute much more than through our stolen eggs and sperms. However, a dialogue partner needs to be treated and respected as an equal. Certainly that is not happening with the Salusa faction, and I don't think it ever will...

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