Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Crushing blow of betrayal to the forces of Good

Crushing blow of betrayal to the forces of Good--and the primary point of my furious, raging anger is the point man, Dr. Zahi Hawass of Egypt. I am angry on so many levels--personally, as I experience the ill effects in my own body and brain; as an American, because a terrorist attack is about to be launched on my country, which the murderous traitor Obama and complicit conspirator plans to surf to the forefront, while he outs the top Patriot Leader, Hillary Clinton; as a global humanist, because it makes me sick to see Egypt betrayed by a respected Egyptian leader of note, and as a Terran, because the entire planet is now set up to be engulfed by world war, Nazi and reptilian alien domination, and a new millenia of totalitarian slavery of mind, spirit and body on a unimagined scale in known Earth history; and ultimately, as a galactic citizen and child of God, because in the cosmic war between good and evil, a Judas just delivered a huge weapon to the forces of evil.

I'm so upset, my blood is boiling, but I got to calm down and start somewhere. Maybe I should take a fiornal as a, I think I will take a flexiril. My back is killing me. Normally I don't take flexiril until bedtime, but I'm so pumped, I don't think anything is going to knock me out, until I vent my spleen.

So, dear reader, please don't think my anger is directed at you. Let me start you on this journey of ultimate betrayal. Do you remember a while back---around the week of Jan 23th-30th, that I told you that the Egyptian uprising had deeper and graver complications than political freedom--that control of an alien technology was at stake. Well, I know now for certain, that the technology in question was a stargate to allow an alien ship and beings entrance to the Earth. This is not any old stargate--this is the stargate used by the ancient occultic overlords of Atlantis, and eventually Egypt--the ones who enslaved entire populations, wreaked cosmic havoc through unethical and horrific genetic experimentation, and eventually were responsible for the near destruction of the planet and humanity. I don't know if a specific planet is the launchpad for the alien visitors--if so, I think it would be in the constellation Orion. However, I think it more likely that there is an amalgamated alliance of warships hiding in a fold of hyperspace, waiting to descend on Earth, when the time is right. This alliance includes reptiles and greys from the Orion constellation, Earth's 4D reptiles, and a group of Nordic/probably Sirian humanoids, all of whom are probably assimilated to the luciferian collective (though it is possible that there are a few independent contractors given a place in the alliance). These have contacted, nurtured and trained Aryan and Nazi identified humans or human hybrid clones (such as my children cloned from my stolen ova) to help fight in the upcoming war.

The war, of course, is with the dragons, or flying reptiles, coming into Earth's orbit around 20112 or 2013, but naturally, the jousting for tactical positioning and leadership has already begun, and has been going on in earnest since the Nazis of Germany initiated it, and the hidden Nazis of Truman's rogue security agencies have carried it on covertly since. What do these Nazis/reptiles want? First of all, as much money as they can make, before the great conflict, which they expect to leave the planet decimated at every level. That is why the American taxpayer has been so ripped off with these bailouts, that, and the fact that the free and democratic spirit of America, however tarnished and compromised, is the biggest obstacle to the plans of a new luciferian age of enslavement, once the dragon bombardment and ravishment is ended, due to Planet X disappearing from our orbit again.

Then, there are the strategic objectives of the reptilian/sirian/nazi/luciferian alliance is planning for war with the dragons. They have two primary objectives. First, they want to save the skins of both the 4D, inner Earth reptilians of Agartha, and to protect the lives of their 3D human Aryan/Nazi and reptilian/human shapeshifting hybrids. Secondly, it is crucial to their plans to be in control of Jerusalem, once the dragons leave orbit again, most specifically the site of the First Temple, because this would give them unparalleled access to the most powerful stargate location on the planet. Of course, as an aside, the human Aryans/Nazis want to annihilate the Jews, because that is their bitter enemy, ever since Moses stole the ark, and with it, the power of the occultic overlords to rule over their people.

To accomplish their strategies, the dark cabal (composed of the elements I already mentioned), have steathily been putting their Nazi led and/or Nazi duped people in key places for decades, including the United States, and they have been highly successful. I have listed many examples of leaders, security agencies, high corporate CEO's, religious leaders, and even the military personnel to be found in diverse countries. So, you see, this is not a war between nations, ideologies, religions, or economies--this is a war between good and evil. Totalitarian slavery of the kind that I experience is not acceptable. Understand that there is technology (P&P--psychotropic and psychotronic), available that would completely undermine the free will of human beings--our thoughts will be programmed in our unconscious by satellite and HAARP technology while we sleep. If you have read my posts, you know there is nothing spiritual or "ascending", freeing, or even human about such a future. Yet, that is what the alien/Nazi dark cabal wants, and they have been calling the shots on planet Earth for a long time. Then, they suffered a series of setbacks, including the loss of the Stargate that was in Egypt (whether it was recently found, or whether Mubarak was sitting on it, I don't know--but the dark cabal, including that Illuminati snake diplomat, Frank Wisner, sent out by the traitor Obama, tried to keep him in power. The dark cabal felt secure with Mubarak--probably because they knew he would always have a price, and they always had money to pay...).

The forces of good rescued the stargate from Egypt, probably with some help from our benevolent cosmic friends, and humanity was safe for a while--two weeks. Then the stargate was delivered, late last week into safe Nazi safekeeping. Who sold the stargate to the Nazis? It was Dr. Hawass--who had been in on the intrigue of its rescue to begin with! Why would he do it? Primarily, I think it was greed. Do you remember the light looting of the Cairo museum. I think it was a distraction, but there was some minor damage and inconsequential theft reported, until two weeks later, when all of a sudden, the museum reported the loss of several priceless pieces, including two gold-encrusted statues from the tomb of King Tut! The same day that I read that, I read on another site that Hawass was reported to be packing up, like he was getting ready to leave his position! All of this transpires a few days after the stargate was delivered to Nazi hands! I will tell you the specifics on that in a moment, but I have to express my deep disappointment and disgust with Hawass. Whenever I would watch TV archaeology shows, I always felt an unease regarding the person of Dr. Hawass, but I would always tell myself, "at least he loves Egypt and Egyptian history and treasures." He's what I would call a patriot, and to me that is a high compliment. I sympathized with him when he vented against the greed and petty ignorance that has led to so much transfer of Egyptian antiquities to Western musuems. By and large, Westerners didn't go in there and steal them--corrupt Egyptians stole and sold them for personal profit, just as they have done for centuries. So, here is the head archaeologist of the country, pontificating against the West for taking advantage of corrupt opportunism, and the instant he gets an opening, Hawass shows his own corruption and greed--stealing gold statues from King Tut's tomb! You know, Nazis have very deep pockets. He could have named any dollar amount in exchange for that stargate, but he chose to rob the heritage of his own country and people, no better than the grave robbers he so deplores.

The other condemning complaint I have is that Hawass knows how critical this battle between good and evil is. I was reading an "alternative" article that translated his name as "Enlightened Horus". so maybe he was a luciferian double agent all along. God, they seem to be everywhere. Still, Hawass knew that delicate negotiations about the financial rescue and health of his home planet, not just one country, depends on the denying the Nazis their bullying, intimidating terrorist tactics. Now, with the stargate in their possession, the cabal can call on extraterrestial backup at will, and they already have--that is what the "meteor" on Valentine's Day was--a cabal UFO, and it has provided a huge weapon against the forces of Good in this country, for now, they can come come and go at will, and one thing neither side wants right now is disclosure about UFO's.

Finally, I have to say that I think Hawass is a coward. I think he knows something that I know, and that a very few other people in the leadership of the Arab ( that is, not the Persians or Aryans of Iran) knows. Their population are heavily concentrated with reptilian genes, and so that, and the battle for Jerusalem will mean heavy casualties in the upcoming conflict, unless diplomacy or creativity wins out. However, the scenario is even worse for two countries--Egypt and Libya. These countries were the imperial seats of Aryan power before, and I think Hawass fears that they are going to take heavy hits from the vengeful dragons. So he took the gold and plans to run. That's no patriot. I am not even Egyptian or Libyan, but I have hope that we can avoid a bloodbath. We are in this together. Egypt and Libya, all countries of the world need to be looking to ally with each other, because the only way we are going to survive 2012 relatively intact, is with a united front. I am not Egyptian or Libyan, but I am not willing to stand by and do nothing while their people are massacred by a superior technological force, because of alliances that their ancestors 3500 years ago. Just when his country needs his expertise most, Hawass plans to split, a very wealthy man...

So, who made Hawass a very wealthy man? The Nazis, of course. Where is the stargate hidden now? In Argentina, probably in the northeast provinces of Corrientes or Misiones, near the great waterfalls there. It might also be in Punta Arenas, Chile, for the recipient of the stargate has ties there as well. For the northeast of Argentina is a portal to the inner Earth or Agartha, where the Nazis have their hidden base. Punt Arena is the southernmost city before the Antarctic, where again, the Nazis have bases. See the following map for an idea of inner Earth (of course it is just an educated guess, but I think it is a pretty good approximation):

If you have been following the news, you will realize there is a diplomatic incident that took place last Thursday when Argentine police boarded a USAF plane, after being tipped off by a "foreign intelligence agency" that the plane carried contraband. It did indeed. I think it carried the stargate, and other high level communications equipment. Again, you can your info from Sorcha Faal, or just read the news. I think it was a setup. The plane landed, ostensibly to help locals with training, and instead the Argentines board the plane and find the stargate that they were tipped off would be there. Why Argentina? Because their President, Kirchner is a Nazi, just as her husband was before. If you research Nestor Kircher on the web you will see that his father was Swiss German, and his mother was a Croation from Punta Arenas. Dig a little deeper and you will find that Nazis were collabarationsists with Croations.

Nazis play a huge role in the world dysfunction, and I have barely scratch the surface. I am exhausted however. I will pick up tomorrow on the menace that the Nais pose.

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