Monday, February 21, 2011

Wait until you taste a bite of this cookie...

Wait until you taste a bite of this cookie. I think the sperm donor of Barack Obama was not the Kenyan Barack Obama Sr., who claimed paternity (sorta, sometimes), nor Frank Marshall Davis, whose name I strongly suspect appears on the bogus, psuedo- birth certificate, that his scheming, resourceful grandmother had placed on the document in an attempt to claim legal status of citizenship for her grandson, who was born in either Canada or Kenya. No, incredible as it seems, I think Obama's sperm donor is Malcolm X. I know that you find this difficult to believe. The first time that I read the proposed possibility, put forth by RMN editor, Rayelan Allan, I found it uncredible. However, because everything about Barack Obama is a staged platform of lies, I kept the circumstances of his birth an open question in my head. A few days ago, Rayelan popped out with another theory, writing in a post, that she didn't believe "that he was conceived, so much as created." With all the genetic tampering and sperm/ova stealing going on, I conceded that she had a point, and well, the mind started going down the garden path. Before I continue with the completely wild details of my proposed hypothesis, I invite you to watch this Youtube video, paying close attention to the young child and teen photos of Malcolm X. I also recommend that you pause at 4:44 and 9:01. Those are shots of Malcolm without his eyeglasses, and the similarity is striking:

Before I continue, let me say that I have the greatest respect for Malcolm X, and an empathetic sensitivity for his genetic son. For, I have children out there in the world, for whom I am an ova donor and sole progenitor of their DNA, but for whom I could/can never provide a family setting of values, discipline, and educational guidance, and I worry, pray, and hope for them sometimes, in the same way that any moral person would do for their own unknown flesh and blood. Malcolm X was a deeply moral person, and like me, I don't think he was ever consulted for permission to use his sperm. It is conceivable, but I have read his autobiography, and I know how morally strict he was regarding sexual relations---so much so that he fell out with his mentor, Elijah Muhammad, over the elder's illicit sexual relations. Also, Malcolm knew the hardships and dangers that befall a youth who grows up, without a father or loving, nurturing family, and after he lost six years of his liberty, and nearly lost his soul, and had to claw back to regain it, I don't think he would ejaculate in a cup as his sole contribution to a future human being. No, I think Malcolm had the same experience that I, and so many others, have had, and was an abductee who was milked for his sexual seed.

Where to start? I think it best to start with the Nation of Islam, because most people are probably like me, and think that this is a "hating", racist kind of Black Pride sect, but have never probed deeply into it. I was a Religious Studies major, and I never did. I knew that I found their demeanor as revealed on their faces to be creepy and offputting. Just look at them--Elijah Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan, and the New Black Panther (a spin-off) guy whose name I can't remember. Those faces give me the heebie-jeebies; they literally remind me of a child molester, a satanist, and/or a LUCIFERIAN. I am going to drop another bombshell on you about the my appraisal of someone who has the exact same LUCIFERIAN demeanor and vibe-- Valerie Jarrett's father, Dr. Bowman. If he is not a closeted Black Muslim (check out the bow ties), he belongs to the same luciferian clique which originated, funded and empowered the Black Muslim cult to the prominence that it enjoys today. Oh, and by the way, her mother, Barbara Bowman, is trained in the same neuro-linguistic programming that Barack Obama, following the likes of Hitler, used so effectively and hypnotically in the 2008 campaign. There is a lot of material to write down, but eventually it is, I hope, going to all tie in together-- Chicago, Black Muslims, Obama, luciferian cults, Valerie Jarrett, Rahm Emanuel, Tony Rezko, his two Pakistani college buds (and quite likely "fuckbuddies" as well), Bill Ayers, and the rest of the Chicago luciferian cabal that got Obama elected, not to mention the big heavies behind the scene.

Still, I will start way back in the Atlantean times when the Agarthans, allied with the Luciferians dominated the entire Middle East in slavery, through the energy weapons of the pyramids which were able to negatively blanket and mind control the population for thousands of miles. I know how sick I got from three 2" pyramids in my yard---imagine what an energy weapon aimed at the tri-monoliths of Giza could do...Well, the Atlanteans nearly destroyed the planet, and Moses threw salt in their evil game by stealing the energy source of the ark, but these luciferians, plugged into a machine virtual reality world, didn't die or disappear--they went underground, and while they may pop up occasionally throughout history--Essenes, Gnostics, Cathars, Knight Templars, freemasons, Bavarian Illuminati etc.--mostly they stayed very low profile, gaining power, money, and adherents to their cause, while they waited. Waited. For they knew that a pivotal time was coming that couldn't be rushed or denied. The stars (of which they were secretive masters, keeping their knowledge hidden) would align in 2012 with the galactic center and Orion, finishing off historic eras on several levels, including the 26,000 years of an epoch. These Luciferians were waiting for the time to seize power, and usher in a new 26,000 year epoch, in which their families ruled, the machine stole and trapped souls to feed its need for brain-generated holographic imagery, and the reptiles got to enslave a race through crystals in the brain which destroyed individuality and led to collective, hive-mind slavery, while they fed off the hapless victims' hormonal secretions and blood. They were in every religion, and culture (through various fraternal orders such as freemasonry and Knights of Malta), and as time grew short, they grew bolder, so that the theosophists, occultists, freemasons, "goblins, orcs, and demons," all waxed fat and prospered.

Into this rising ferment, a little-noticed, new Luciferian sect sprouted with no fanfare or initial power. The Nation of Islam was founded by a strange man, " 'Wallace Fard' Muhammad" (one of multiple aliases he used) whose draft card claimed that he was from SHINKA, AFGHANISTAN, LATITUDE 32.14 (33) AND LONGITUDE
66.06. It is located in the mountainous province known as ZOBUK, which has been the site of intense fighting a long time. Now the following is a picture of WFM:

While I am no expert, I have been watching the news on Afghanistan for the last 8 years, and he does not look like an Afghani tribal mountain man to me. He does look Middle Eastern. I am wondering if the longitude and latitude occultic significance (I keep finding slight variants, but you get the picture) is what caused him to claim that town of Shinka as his home. Or maybe there is something there? Maybe a vimana (ask Sorcha), or giants? Because, on the exact same latitude, on the other side of the border is the town of ZOBAL, IRAN. The interesting thing about Zobal, Iran, is that it is the site of an ancient civilization and multiple giant bones (the giants of course, are the fallen angels, the Nephilim, from the bible, and they are associated with the flying alien craft). Finally, another town on the exact same latitude is Shiraz, Iran, where Dr. Bowman spent several years.

Aah, the innocence of last century America, when you could emigrate, claim a whole new identity, and start a whole new life and religion... Now WF Muhammad started this Nation of Islam in the early 30's, but he DISAPPEARED in 1934. According to his sect, he didn't die. He boarded the "Mother Plane" of which he taught--"it is spheres within spheres, circular, capable of abrupt changes and immense speeds." The Nation of Islam still believes that HE IS ALIVE ON THE MOTHER PLANE. (God, I sure hope Malcolm X isn't; he deserved better than that). According to Wikipedia, the Black Muslims claim that "Fard taught us the measurements of earth, and other planets, and of civilizations of other planets other than Earth." Those mountainous tribes of Afghanistan have quite the educational system--or maybe it has something to do that 33 degree latitude, on which there are ruins and artifacts and hidden knowlege and societies which is carefully kept hidden from outsiders, but which a petty criminal and chump like WFM was happy to share, far from censure of his homeland.

Elijah Muhammad, who took over, is quite the character himself, but I just am going to bring up one quote of his, found and sourced in wikipedia, and that is, "I seen enough of the white man's brutality to last me 26,000 years". This is important because it tells me that Elijah Muhammad, like the Nazis and occultists, is completely attuned to, and guided by the the upcoming (2012) processional alignment that moves into a new constellation (or "new age") every 26,000 years. Given the quote, and his religion's well known superiority complex, my guess is that they are working, with more powerful and numerous allies, to make sure that in the upcoming age, their world view and values prevail.

So, who would ally themselves with the Black Muslims? Well, the big aggregate in alliance is Iran. Now, remember, Iran consider themselves separate from Arabs--they are "Persians" (as in the long-haired, smooshed-faced, prima donna cats). As Shiites, they also espouse a slightly different version of Islam. For the purpose of this essay, the most important difference is the emphasis they place on the end times (and remember, we are in the end times of the 26K epoch) return of the "Mahdi", which is analogous to our conception of the Second Coming of Christ. The Mahdi, according to the Shia tradition is the last of a disrupted line of imams (ministers), who will bring about a "one-world government", peace and justice between nations, and the acceptance of the true religion, Islam, by all. So, who is the Mahdi? In the historical legend, which to the faithful is truth, he was the last of the great (12) imams, who had an interesing break with his presence on Earth. He kinda, sorta, semi-died, but not really. He was hidden in God, in a state the Shiites call, "occultation." The duped New Agers call it "Ascension"; I cll it soul-trapping stasis, life-denying limbo, all done for the pleasure and amusement of the luciferian machine. But it is the Mahdi's return for which the Muslims wait.

So, who is he? Well, Louis Farrakhan told us, when he called Obama, "the Messiah", not just once, but several times. Because Farrahkhan is Muslim, he couldn't state the title that he really meant, that was really appropriate to his belief system, and the historical fact of Obama's "conception" as he knew it, "Obama is the 'Mahdi.'" The way I figure it, is that the luciferians were on the lookout for someone special to be "the Mahdi" around the year 2012-2020, as we enter the great 26K astrological processional change. They may have even had special DNA on file (the "disappeared Mahdi youth from the 10th century?), and memories they wished to implant (DNA is memory--it is memory of the entire history of the being). But they wanted a dynamic, charismatic leader, and who, in 1959, makes a trip to the Middle East, after garnering scorn, controversy, AND results in the most technologically and culturally dominant country on Earth--why it is Malcolm X. Not only does he have the requisite, Afro-Asiatic look, so reminiscent of the "Grand Old Pharaohs" (GOP'ers--sorry, it's late, and I'm tired, and I need to laugh to keep awake) of long forgotten yore, but he also has PRIME, reptilian blood in him. Yes, he has Scottish blood (1/4) and a tinge of red in his hair. I have Scottish blood too, and I, as a Scottish descendant, consider myself a "son of Cain", a very powerfully aggressive strain of reptilian DNA. I'm not bragging. I am who I am, just as we all are who we are, and I have had to learn to live with my limitations, and that includes a real temper sometimes, and a foul mouth way too much of the time. Forget me, back to the Mahdi.

The high ranking Illuminati and cabal who want to "create" (the omnipresent refrain of evil greys and reptiles, "we created you and you belong to us.") and control the 21st century Mahdi are very impressed with Malcolm X. I can see why. I am a Christian lesbian, and I find him not only to be a man of holy spirit and authority, but also, someone who recognizes that the life of the spirit never stops or rests. The true spiritual person is constantly called to faithful conversion and psychological growth. They already have the technology (remember, we are talking about luciferian aliens here) and the ability to abduct Malcolm X, and take his sperm. They need a female to carry the child and contribute to his genetic makeup (Obama is not a clone; he is his mother's son, too), and they also need someone, a human, to work with them in the process. Well, the mother is Ann Dunham, who spends time in Chicago, around 1960. She is a vulnerable teenager, reared in a satanic family (which of course means that she has been sexually initiated and/or abused at an early age), who already is having sex with a Black man (Frank Marshall Davis, just as, I think, are her own mother and father--very dysfunctional family). I think she consented to the artificial insemination/imregnation, because she was so unhappy at home, wanting to get out.

The human doctor they choose to help in the process was Dr. Bowman, a pathologist, hemotologist and geneticist. I think he astrally stole Malcolm X's sperm, and either physically implanted it in young Ann, in Chicago (do the dates match up?), or astrally inseminated/impregnated her. One thing to be aware of, is that Obama's birthdate might not be August, but rather January--at one point he blurted out that at the time of the Cuban Missile crisis, I "was only 3 months old." It could just be a mental slip, but Obama has never struck me as a Leo. When he was a candidate, he was approached by a media camera crew and asked to give his opinion on the violent confict that had just broken out (Georgia, I think). A Leo loves the camera and the spotlight, and would not respond as Obama did, staring glumly at his plate, "Can't I just eat my waffles?" Of course, Barack Obama has layer upon layer of mind control, and so, no matter what his astrological sign, it is "afflicted". It also is interesting how someone who babysat in August and September found the baby, "large," which it would be if it were 3 months older than told. After all, it had to take Madelyn Dunham time, to find out and get the baby registered. I think she was the one who put Davis' name on the certificate. Because Davis was a satanist and swinger like her, she thought she would always be able to blackmail him, if she had to (lovely woman...).

Why do I say Dr. Bowman was "the man" to assist with the artifical insemination? Well, he is definitely luciferian. It is clear just by looking at him. My guess is that he got involved with the occultic freemasons early on. After getting his medical degree, he worked for the army (of which you can rarely find mention). He was a "nutritionist!", yet his speciality was pathology, hematology, and genetics. Sounds like a typical military service "cover" to me. After all, the luciferians are interested in CHANGING THE BLOOD COMPOSITION, which makes a lot of people, SICK. The end result of the blood changes is to change the DNA--genetics. Furthermore, after leaving the military, he went to Shiraz, Iran, which was the original home of Iranian freemasonry. He went under the auspicices of the State Department (hmmm, from military to state department). Finally, his several year stint ended in 1961! Mission accomplished! Malcolm X's sperm safe and sound in the new little baby in Ann Dunham's womb. Oh, and Barack Sr--he and Ann probably got it on, but he was a Marxist college student--wasn't too hard to get his cooperation in the matter. If he did claim the child, Ann could have the baby in Canada for free, as a birth of a British subject. Maybe however, other forces were at work. That same old bogeyman, Maurice Strong, who I think was genetically tampered with at conception himself, would have found a hospital for her in Canada.

Poor Malcolm. He couldn't have known that Detroit and Chicago were literally, centers of satanic worshipp, and correspondingly, hot spots for alien activity, and that even in the 50's, the aliens were abducting, and tampering with fetuses in the womb. After all, I was genetically tampered with in the womb in Detroit in 19561/1962 (originally, I put "1951"--maybe that is when the stargate was activated and abductions begun), and so were others.

Well, I am half through, but I have got to go to bed. So, tell me dear reader, do you really think I would be better put to use baking cookies? Of course, I could have always followed Ratzinger's and my campus minister's directive, and not studied theology in college (since as a woman, I would have no use to which I could put my knowlege, since I wasn't in the image of Christ and therefore would never be ordained). Do you understand my anger now, when people try to tell me who I am and what I should be, and destoy what God gave me, because they are too spiritually small and puny to let me express my life in the fullness of intersexed being with which I was created, and struggled mightily to positively integrate?
Tired. the other half tomorrow

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