Saturday, February 26, 2011

Getting strange looks again

Getting strange and alarmed looks again from people as I dropped into a local Circle K/McDonald's to pick up breakfast. I must look like I feel---very drugged up on some psychotropic, so that people think I am mentally ill. I think there was a luciferian psychic checking me out at McDonald's, another white, bearded guy, and even he looked shocked at my appearance. I don't know what lies the PIB/Nazi masters tell the luciferian drones to get them to do low level spy and surveillance work. I know they must be denied access to my posts or they would know. Anywaty, I am mentally tired and strung out, and wish that I could just go to bed and sleep or watch movies on tv, but as lousy as I feel, mentally, physically (back hurts so bad), spiritually, and emotionally, I have to plug on, be it ever so slow and arduously. It isn't going to get any better, and the sad truth is, that if something doesn't change, billions of people are going to end up feeling as unwell, hopeless, and enslaved as I do. Just take it one step at a time.

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