Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lost day

Lost day, as I have struggled all day to shake off the ill effects of whatever psychotropic I am on now. Slept until lafter noon, and have been sick and sluggish all day. I seem to be gaining a little bit of a handle on what went down these past few days. Because nobody tells me the truth, I have to figure EVERYTHING out on my own, and sometimes it just takes time and multiple data to triangulate the truth. If I could just get people to tell me some things, I would be so much better off.

I would also be a lot better off if I wasn't so damned drugged all the time. I was so sick last night that I was going ouuut of my mine. All day, I have been struggling to focus. I think I may be on some kind of hormones---I remember these leg cramps I am now experiencing from before. And my mouth continues to be coated with mucous, while I struggle to do anything at all.

I can tell everything is very shaky right now, and I know that I need to post a little bit--maybe tomorrow. Right now, I have to try to sleep with this horrible drug in my system.

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