Monday, February 7, 2011

Sick all night with migraines and nausea

Sick all night with migraines and nausea--woke up very drugged. Still, I have to try to get things done, despite all the pain I am in. Have to do laundry, and if possible shop. Another cold front is on the way, and I am not going to drive in the snow, especially as messed up as I am. I used to love to go out in the snow, but now it is just an added hardship to deal with, in a life that already is so very, very difficult. I continue to worry about my health. My right knee is really bothering me, but every part of my body feels like it has been ripped out and soldered back on unnaturally. There is a band of tightness across the upper back which makes moving the arms painful, but it is the lack of ability to even walk that has me most worried. That is the only exercise I can do right now, and I need to exercise. Changing pants for the first time since they cut on my quads, I realize that without the muscle to hug the fat, that I appear even fatter in my thighs than I did before. Kind of the same way with the belly. Oh well, it doesn't matter. Clearly, if being fat depresses me, I can count on the Nazis to do everything in their power to increase the fat. Just so depressed, because this is not just aobut aesthetics--this is about health, and right now, my health is very, very poor.

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