Monday, February 28, 2011

Looks like the History channel

Looks like the History channel spilled the beans last night on King Tut. It seems that King Tut's paternal DNA has markers identifying it as Western European, especially those markers predominating in Scotland and Ireland. Of course, I think the really interesting revelation would be learning the truth about his father, Akhenaton, who I suspect was a lot like me, an intersexed being, genetically tampered with in the womb, and medically altered as an incarnate being, so that he could be a more perfect "container" for the download of a disincarnate Machine entity. But, judging from the deformed, intersexed depictions of his statuary, I doubt that he (she?) was capable of procreation, so my guess is that some Watcher alien/human hybrid stepped in as a sperm donor for Tut. Yes, I suppose that one could say the the Tribe of Dan/Aryans had done okay for themselves in the land of Egypt--that is, until the crossing of Planet X, which no doubt left them huddled in the extensive tunnelage under the pyramids (built for that purose) while the White Dragons breathed fire and destruction on living beings outside. My guess is that advanced technology, such as that found in Star Trek scripts--"polarized hull plating" and "energy shields" were used to protect the pyramids themselves. When it was all over, Moses and his Israelite slaves (maybe Joseph, or his sons, had not been quite as forgiving towards Leah's descendants as the Bible tell us) had left with the source of their power--the ark. Without the Watchers to back them. the he Danites/Aryans (who were essentially foreigners in the land--nothing new; many of Egypt's Pharaohs, such as Cleopatra were of foreign lineage split for various destinations, notably the isle of Britain and Ireland, but also parts of Europe penetrated by the "Dan"ube, which their ships could traverse. To this day, the Celts of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales are the genetically purest of their descendants, for England, and the European Aryans have been conquered by, and interbred with multiple other lineages--Germanic (Angles and Saxons), French, Scandinavian, Italian. But the Aryans had one power artifact left--Jacob's pillow, or as it is now known--the Stone of Scone (pronounced "scoon"):

Carried off to the island of Britain by the Danites/Aryans who built Stonehenge in an an attempt to reconstruct the occultic glory, knowledge and power they had once enjoyed in Egypt, they found the Stone of Scone had lost its power, as they knew it. For this stone is a stargate, the first stargate recorded in Western literate history. According to Genesis, when Jacob found and used it as a pillow, he created a "ladder" and he saw God and angels ascending and descending.(Gn 28). In short, the stone is a translocating stargate that can be used to initiate interdimensional travel, but while venerated to this day by the British monarchs who sit on it during coronation, and the Scots, who stole and hid it, the stone seems to have lost its interdimensional stargate power. Why? Location. Location. Location. The stone's power is activated in the Holy Land. Genesis says that Jacob found it between Beersheba and Haran, but my guess is that the location of the First Temple in Jerusalem is REALLY the power center that would activate the stone. (Remember I posted a while back that I dreamed that the PIBs wanted me to sit on a stone....)

Why is this ancient history important? Because, while the vast majority of the population are ignorant of it, the power movers and shakers of the world, and especially those who know the occultic history, are aware of it, and this knowledge, its heritage, and the fight to implenent its future, is impacting reality NOW. The first principle of this occultic knowledge is that we (humans) are not alone on this planet, and have never been alone. The second principle is that much of our experience on this planet has been impacted by negative and malevolent entities, whether reptilian or luciferian. These powers and principalities have interbred with humans, and created a ruling class of aristocratic elite, which keep the occultic knowledge in the small, bloodline family, while the larger human family are kept ignorant of their true history. While many of the established Illuminati families are reptilian by DNA interbreeding and affiliation, there has always been another alien contender on the scene, which peaked in Pharaonic Egypt, and which is ascending again--the luciferian descendants and kin of Samjaza and the Watchers. These alien entitites are just as malevolent as the fading reptiles, and in a way, scarier, because they can literally destroy human free will by putting implants in us that plug us into a machine, destroying our individuality and making us part of the hive mind machine collective. They have been on the move in the last century, starting with the spiritual possession of satanists, occultists, and theosophists, and yes, Hitler. Their marine presence has grown more overt and powerful. Politically speaking, they have created a new power faction.

Following the guide of the editorial viewpoint of the best alternative news site on the web, I would call the "old school" of the reptilian, Illuminati families, Faction 1. This is "old money", and aristocracy (including the British monarchy), oil money, Federal Reserve, Rothschilds and Rockefellers. With the rise of Hitler, the tearing of the time/space fabric by atomic bomb blasts and tests (which allows for easier interdimensional penetration of Earth's plane by alien UFO's), and the coming astrological/astronomical changes of 2012, a new faction, Faction 2 gained in power and prominence. The aristocracy of Faction 2 are the royal descendants of the Merovingians, which as I stated in the last post, are born of the hybrid DNA of Watchers (reptilian-altered Sirians, who are plugged into the machine). These include many of the dethroned heads and nobility of post WWI and post WWII Europe (especially those of Austria, Hungary, and Bavaria). It also includes a lot of occultist families, especially from France, where the luciferians had a major renaissance with the medieval phenomena known as the Cathars, and where the Knights Templar originated, and were nearly destroyed. You see, the founders of the Knights Templar, no doubt cued in by Qabbalistic Jews of France (the Merovingians were tied in with prominent Jewish families), learned that there was a great treasure trove of alchemical secrets and gold hidden underneath the First Temple. This, of course, was the hidden cache of occultic knowledge, and quite possibly, the ark, preserved from the time before Atlantis/Egypt, and from the apostate traditions of the "King of Tyre"/Hiram Abi/Solomon. This occult knowledge had to be hidden, for much of it conflicted with the strict tenets of Jewish law. Also, remember the First Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians. No doubt the occultic treasures were hidden from the marauders, and when Israel returned from the Babylonian Exile, they were repentant true believers in the Law of God and Moses, so that the knowledge of the luciferian occult had to be tightly and strictly preserved to just a very few. After the fall of the Second Temple, and the Diaspora, I think one of the very few Jews knowledgeable about this hidden stash was the Rabbi Makhir, an Exilarch from Baghdad, living in France, and I think he made a deal with the Knights Templar to go to the Holy Land (which he, as a Jew, a true descendant and son of the land,could not), and get the treasure. Of course, the Knights did, and came back, and within a few years were fabulously wealthy, and so powerful that they were destroyed. I also think that they, influenced by the occult knowledge, had become apostates to their own Christian faith (I have to resist the temptation to go into further detail, but that would be a whole other essay). What was left of the Knights Templar, after the Friday 13th betrayal by King Philip and the Pope, went to Scotland, where no doubt they knew the ancient ancestral race of the occult Aryans lived. There, they founded freemasonry which carried on the ancient luciferian tradition. Other occultic societies were founded to preserve this hidden, and yes, easily turned to evil, knowledge that Samjaza had originally bestowed on the human race, and these societies included, among others, the Rosicrucians and the Priory of Sion. These societies stayed low profile, exclusive, and closed to the public for centuries, and are so even today. I think that membership in these occultic societies nutured a sense of being the "true chosen ones of God", especially among the Aryans, whom time, fortune, and "red dragon" genetics had alienated from their "white dragon" Jewish kin. They knew that the true power center of the Earth was Jerusalem, and they wanted to claim it for themselves. So did the Watchers, and in the 20th century, they found a willing and ambitious disciple to undertake their dirty work--Adolph Hitler. All the occult and supernatural power in the world (and believe me, the Watchers really poured it on, behind the scenes), could not overcome the entire arsenal and wealth of the Anglo-American and Russian alliance, not to mention the 50 million dead. The Aryans didn't give up however. Nazism didn't die; it went underground, secretly infiltrating the corporations and intelligence agencies of the victors--especially in America, where they have been doing everything possible to destroy our country.

I know that apologists for Faction 2 Germans will say that they are not Nazis, but only want vengeance on the Faction 1 players which had an active role in the destruction and ruin of Europe and the Merovingian monarchies. They especially blame Rothschild and "the Jews". I think it fair to say that the occultic reptilians, and that would includle not only the Jewish reptile hybrid family of Rothschild, but also non-Jewish familes such as the Bushes and others, DID work to promote WWII, just as they promote all wars, SO THEY CAN MAKE LOTS OF MONEY. But I have been following Faction 2, for a while, and I mostly see the same limitations that I see in Faction 1--a lust for greed and power. Ultimately, the Faction 2 crowd takes the same path that Faction 1 does--kowtowing to evil and malevolent entities, in this case, the Watchers, just as Faction 1 families kowtowed to the reptilians for centuries--all for power handouts. As I have stated before, the Watchers have a seriously defective and negative character disorder which allows them to use and abuse, violate, mutilate, experiment on, and kill people without conscience or feeling. Such a deplorably negative value system cannot but help affect anybody who would approach them for power handouts. Look at what it did to Hitler.

Yes, there has been a change in the cosmic power structure and influence. The power of the reptiles has been waning for a while. Posts I read on the web say that they have mostly left (because they know the White Dragons are coming?). Other posts and channelers say that the reptiles which are left are cloned. I wonder if, (I have no firm hypothesis on this), if the reptiles and Draconians have fallen prey to the Luciferian machine. In any case, the Watchers and their Nazi lieutentants seem to be the emerging head honcho on the cosmic "principalities and power" scene. This is evident by witnessing the swing of the primary players in what I call the "Faction 3" group.
While these factions and families have been around for a long time, they are basically "newbies" in their resurgent power to impact the world, mostly because of an influx of new knowledge, new money, or both. As I see it (because it impacts me so personally), the prime players in this Faction 3, have been around for centuries--the occultic hierarchs of the Vatican, especially the Jesuits. While I know that there are some Jesuits who genuinely pursue holiness, the Order has been corrupted by power hounds from the beginning. For centuries, they identified with Faction 1, siding with reptilian and Illuminati monarchs and families, against the suffering and exploited masses of population and peoples. Then, in the 20th century, they switched allegiance to Hitler, helping to smuggle out Nazis to South America via the "rat lines". The expertise of these Nazis were passed on, and have contributed to death and destruction in the 21st century, for the Nazis have underground and inner Earth bases in South America and Antartica. I also believe the Vatican/Jesuits were motivators of, and operators in, the assassination of JFK, especially under the Nazi patronage as established by the Dulles brothers. The Jesuits always were European centric, and JFK not only threatened to blow the trillions of dollars being siphoned from America to Europe via the Federal Reserve, but he also threatened their firm monolopy on human-alien (Watcher) relations, by full disclosure to the American people.

You see, the Vatican/Jesuits have been the primary benefactors of a major new discovery in the 20th century--the Dead Sea scrolls. This find was not some obscure religious find of ancient artifacts and scrolls (although it was presented that way), for the caves of Qumran was the "hidey hole" of the Essenes, as they desperately sought to survive the onslaught of the Romans. Entire books have been written on the Essenes, and while I am not as solid in my research as I would like to be, the following sentences are a combination of untested hypothesis--according to my high standards-- and proven fact (so I amy be wrong on some points). The Essenes originated on Mt. Carmel, the landing spot of the luciferian angel, Samjaza. Thus, they were the first recipents of the luciferian occult knowledge, and they still exist today. If you do a search for "Essenes" and "Mt. Carmel" on the web, you will find a site of an esoteric, Gnostic (now Christianesque) community. I also think that Jesus had ties with the Essenes, and they may even have been the ones who wanted him to be king. "We have the technology; you have the powerful spirit, and we can drive out the Romans." (I have to resist the temptation to go there...this involves matters of faith which requires delicate negotiation) However, the fact is that the Essenes, like all all of Judaism, experienced a hugely disruptive calamity in the 1st century A.D--they were all but wiped out by the Romans, though they tried to hide in a honeycomb of caves on the shores of the Dead Sea. Hidden along with them, were not only the scrolls and artifacts that excavators and archaelogists have shared, but I think a lot of the hidden luciferian knowledge brought out from the subterranean First Temple hiding jplace, when the Essenes broke away from the mainstream Israelite worship in the Maccabean period. The argument was ostensibly over the Aaronic priestly lineage, but I suspect that the Essenes always had a little bit of "heresy" in them, because of their hidden allegiance to the luciferian heritage, which the the Law of Torah would never have tolerated openly. The Vatican priests (and yes, I am pretty sure there were a couple of Jesuits involved--all Jesuits are trained to be scholars), maintained strict and domineering control over the find and its results and publications, so much so that the secular scholars protested vehemently. As I wrote earlier, one of the finds was an unidentified viscous red liquid, which was probably allowed to pass through the iron fist of Vatican censorship, because they thought nobody would ever know what it was, but as soon as I read of it, I recognized the similarity to the mercury isotope as described by Dr. Joseph Farrell. This mercury isotope was used by the Nais in an attempt to warp space/time and do interdimensional travel. Given how many abductees, starting in 1962 with Barney Hill, have seen humans and aliens in Nazi unifors, I would say the Nazis (or at least their successors in inner Earth) have been successful. Anyway, I think this archaeological treasure trove gave the Vatican/Jesuits an appreciable edge in human-Watcher contact. The Jesuits are an international order and have been missionaries and scholars in every country on the planet, for centuries. Also, they already had so much hidden knowledge stored away in the Vatican library, that they were all ready to try the recipe, and key ingredient (the mercury isotope) found at Qumran. They have succeeded. The fact that I remember being raped by Hans Kolvenbach in an astral state is all the proof I need. You see, according to Preston Nichols, a prime technique of mind control progamming is inducing the orgasmic state, which leads the mind wide open, so that they can imprint whatever they want on your mind. Crazy. Makes me sick to think about it, especially considering that they have no respect for either orgasms or open minds. It is all about control--and punishment, if you are free enough to believe that you are a spiritual being of choice, a child of God, and thus not subject to absolute control by machine technology.

The other party to benefit from this luciferian find were the upper ranking elements of Israeli politics and military. After all, Qumran is in their jurisdiction, and as snobby and arrogant as the Jesuits are, they still would have had to play nice with the Israelis in order to get permission to excavate. Even if the Jesuits had tried to keep knowledge of their finds a secret from the Israelis, I doubt that they would have succeeded. Knowing the paranoid Israeli temperament as I do (and who can blame them?), I am willing to bet that the excavation party was seeded with spies and highly educated and trained scholars, pretending to work as security, gofers and ancillary staff. Yep,high ranking elements of the Israeli government are in on the luciferian secrets of the Essenes, and one of them has just come out of a years long coma, to fulfull the agenda of the Machine collective, but more on that later. Israael has not been the only place to benefit from a new, previously hidden, luciferian knowlege . Egypt benefitted too, as new technology made searching under the pyramids and sphinxs even easier. Iran figured out in the 1940's that they were "ARYAN" which was why the Shah had the country's name changed from Persia to Iran (Iranya), no doubt, because of both Nazi occult input and influence, and because they were visited by these Aryan Watchers, which no doubt exploited deep insecurities and promised power, domination ect (same old story, over and over and over). I think Wallace Fard Muhammad, the founder of the Nation of Islam, a powerful, luciferian cult, was either an Iranian national or transient, who got the luciferian knowledge that he acquired probably near Shinke Afghanistan, and brought to Detroit/Chicago, at the behest of a major donor/player. Who could be such a well-funded donor, strategically close to the strongly emerging, but soon to be corrupted and satanic, city of Detroit. There is a French Canadian living now in China, who I think fits the bill--as a matter of fact, he is one half of a partnership of relatively new financial players on the scene--Maurice Strong and George Soros. Maurice Strong is the French Canadian, and I think comes from a distinguished Merovingian, occult family, which has been well versed and preserved in luciferian lore and worship for centuries. The discovery at Rennes-Chateau was real--another stash of luciferian treasure and alchemy. I think he hooked up with George Soros, a Hungarian (Hungary is supposed to be a huge center for Sirian descendants; unfortunately the Sirians have been genetically altered by reptilian bloodlines and coopted by the collective hive mind of the Machine), a self-made bulti-billionare, money all made by playing, and I do mean PLAYING, the markets. I would go so far as to say that a lot of wealth that is being generated and accumulated byso many of these bulti billionaires,playing the market is predicated on the Machine's advanced algorithmic analysis, not solely on intuitive hunches. The only caveat: you gotta sell your soul to the machine, and then, once you do, the best interests and needs of humanity no longer concern you. No matter how intelligent, how well placed, how powerful, how rich--you are a slave to the Machine.

I would say that each and all factions, 1, 2, 3 sometimes collude with, and sometimes compete with, each other as they vie for dominance and preferential placement in the luciferian New World Order that each of them is committed to birthing. However, the elements of Faction 3 are now most precipitously placed to cause not only my personal torment, but world conflagration within the next couple of years, and it not only entails world enslavement by the Machine but fulfillment of an ancient prophecy--the lost tribes of Israel worshipping in Jerusalem with Judah and Benjamin. Stay tuned for one more part....I'm trying to be brief, but it's not working out very well...

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