Friday, August 19, 2011


FUCKING GODDAMENED MILIARY ASSHOLES HAVE ME ON FUCKING LITHIUM. YOU STUPID GODDAMNED MORONIC IDIOTS. CANT BELIEVE YOUR STUPIDITY. NOT EVEN WHEN YOU LOCKED ME OUT OF THE WEB SITES BECAUSE YOU ARENT INTELLIGENT ENOUGH TO ACCEPT AN INTELLIGENT AGENT. Well, guess what assholes? I already know that you are the sons of bitches who pulled my last post about suspicion of lithium will pull this one, too. So I will scream it out. Surely, somewhere, some patriot is listening to me.

It has been a day from hell-i, with me struggling to function against the negative and low energy which always feels me full of rage. Well, I figured out why I am so goddamned low and negative energy. I am being force fed lithium. Figured out after being so sick that I couldnt even watch tv. So I did the old litmus test, and drank some heavy alcohol, and guess what---all of a sudden the mind and vision became clearer, so that I actually can wathc tv now, which is all i can do on a day like this. beats being so fucking sick that i just lay there, longing for death.

I WILL NOT COOPERATE ONE FUCKING WHIT. Do have to thank God for vodka. It gave me enough mental clarity and emotional awareness that at least, i can watch tv, instead of being so fucking sick that i cant even understand or respond.

no way, i am trusting anyone. no fucking way. fuck the aliens, fuck the sirians, fuck salusa, fuck the goddamned military. no fucking way i am being led into interdimensional travel. not one being or institution connected to me that is trustsworthy. just gonna crawl into a tv and book reading hole (they took the internet connection), and wait for God to resolve this sistuation. sure as hell wont be me. especially in thi9s situation. drug me up you bastards, put you r implants me, do whatever the fuck you want-

Now, i just got to put up with the goddamned estrogen and all the fucking snot in my throat. I AM A MALE, YOU FUCKIN G PIGS--GO FIND YOUR GODDAMNED ISIS ELSEWHERE.

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