Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Another lost day

Another lost day as I was barely functional on some psychotropic that makes it impossible to do any intellectual endeavors whatsoever. Brain is not thinking. Spent all day in front of Tv. Getting ready to go to bed, need to check to make sure nothing horrible is happening that I need to pray about. As it is I will pray for myself to be free of these horrible drugs which turn me brain dead and have me walking around like im carrying a 100 pound ball and chain. may be on risperdol or maybe it is just female hormones--both of those damned drugs turn me into a mucous factory, and mucous is now in my lungs . dont know what i will do if i get really sick with bronchitis or pneumonia. same thing doing now. lay in bed and barely move. tried to exercise but body has no energy. mind games still continue, just lighter. too goddamned sick to care anymore--at least no "Mormon" women today. Its crazy what is goin on, but too sick to write it out.

risperdol?--way too much pressure and pain in head. wont live long with this shit. i guress teh fucking religionists arent happy til they bring someone down to their level of being half dead.

just realized my sick respiratory illness might be caused by infection. tenderness under chin in lymph nodes. so used to bein fucked up and frankensteined by these goddamned nazis never even think of ovious anymore--just too much suffering to even care

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