Sunday, June 19, 2011

Now, with that post out of the way,

Now, with that previous post out of the way, let me move on to weightier matters. I hated to write a post like that on Father's day, since George Anthony is a sick bastard, and a travesty to the institution of fatherhood, but the inner voice wanted me to post that two days ago, but I have been too sick. Let me also say that I think the mother, Cindy, is just as evil and complicit as the father. Let me also say that I call them as I see them, which makes me wonder why I am constantly reading about Amanda Knox getting a retrial--now that is one psychopathic female mudererer. I would just like to know who is constantly trying to spring her free...which brings me to the first item on the agenda. I would recommend that Rome be on high alert for a terrorist act, false flag, probably, by Faction 2, which is pissed by the Jesuit's/Vatican's constant interference in 2's attempts to rule the world. I know that Rome is a sinkhole of corruption and depravity, but there are also tens of millions of innocent people there...

The USA is on high alert as well. That is what I picked up earlier, about Gates, and to a lesser extent, Admiral Mullen joining forces, quite publicly, to fight the latest crisis this country now is in. I would not be surprised if our armed forces were not in an advanced military state of alertness. So what is happening? Well, first of all, I think that the cabal is readying to unleash another major earthquake/tsunami. Athough I am sure that Japan again will be a prime target, I am not sure about the USA. From the little that I have been able to research during the past two days, our leaders seem to be especially worried about the Eastern states. Tsunami? Maybe. I also believe that China has quit pussyfooting around by allying with Obama and Faction 2, and has made a direct threat against the Eastern parts of our country (they want the western part for themselves). There are two possible venues of attack. One is through digital, cyberwarfare against our power stations. This is not something that they would have been able to do without explicit help from American saboteurs--and I have already stated that GE and Jeffrey Immelt are terrorists, and yes I think they are allying with China against our country. Maybe my claim was a little too late. Then, there is the threat of a release of the bioweapon that has sickened Germany, and now France. Sorcha Faal has a nice synopsis of a biologist's assertion that there is no way that the E-Coli outbreak that sickened Germany, could have been natural. In other words, it looks like the Bilderbergers have upped the ante to biological warfare. Interestingly enough, the original weaponized biowarfare does not affect children. This is interesting, because J. Michael Strczynski had a whole TV series based on the exact same storyline--a world in which adults died out and only children survived. I know from the imagery in his shows that Straczinski is a Freemason---in other words, someone gave him that idea. It was a long time in the making.

So once again, humanity, and especially western humanity is facing a grave crisis. I suppose that people think my energy expenditure on the previous post is a relative waste of time. However, I can only BE ME, and I can only be open to the HOLY SPIRIT as it speaks to me. Yes, I am not capable of conscious astral travelling or remote viewing, which I am sure are prized skills right now--but I do have my gifts that I can put in the service of humanity, except that I constantly am fighting these goddamned psychotropics and hormonal shit that totally incapacitate me. Now, if it is the negative aliens who abducted me last night and trimmed off my fingers, leaving my left hand stumpier than ever, with arthritic cramping, then I have no appeal. They are the same evil perps who want to destroy the world. However, if it is thej good guys doing this to me, thinking that psychotropic drugs will make me a better soldier for the good, you are completely mistaken. Let ME BE ME--let me use my gifts the way that I use them. Trust in God to work through me, just as you trust soldiers to do their duty, airmen to do their, sailors to do theirs, remote viewers to do theirs, ect. I am sorry that I cannot participate as you would like, but I still am open to helping any way that I can. It is just hard, when I am so sick that I am barely functional, as has been the case the last two days. Even now, all I can do is offer prayers, but believe me, they are heartfelt, and as long as I stay open to the Holy Spirit, chances are the Spirit will come through. I wish the Holy Spirit to be with all of our leaders and front line fighters. God help us all. I do feel pretty confident that everything will be okay--I am most worried that Rome will fall victim to a successful attack.

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